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qwerty Aubin

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Posts posted by qwerty Aubin

  1. i am creating a hause and i have problems in the "physical" menu.

    the second passage remains in default even after uploading the physics. when I click on analyze my physics it deforms, closing the door holes. I checked all the polygons, tried to divide it into smaller pieces but the result is always this



    File house



    upload physical



    analyze file


  2. hi

    I created a mesh house. structure, shadows and lights ... I was texturizing the various parts in a graphics program on my pc and they look like I'd like to see in SL but when I apply them to the mesh in the world they are blurred.. I tried to load it several times, changing the settings on my pc, I tried to reduce / enlarge the texture but the result is always the same.


    Tysm for help


    texture PC



    texture in SL


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