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Posts posted by MsChowMein

  1. Quote

    My advice to anybody who wants to own a business inworld and succeed at it: Don’t come near the clinical field unless it is strictly a role-play. And if you actually want the best for people with mental problems, then direct them to a qualified and experienced therapist in the real world instead of taking advantage of them in Second Life.


    Source: https://blogveridical.wordpress.com/2018/05/01/the-truth-about-tranquillity-therapy-clinic/comment-page-1/#comment-303



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  2. 2 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    You are making huge assumptions that those DJs do not have licenses.. They may very well DJ in RL as well, as I did and have one. Please stop saying they are doing so illegally without proof. 


    I am not making assumptions they themselves told me how they dj in sl like i said i have friends who work at clubs +  i am not talking about "all" the djs i am only talking about the ones I have known personally for many years

  3. 19 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    No, it really isn't "quite something."

    By 'quite something' I meant those few DJs are getting away making that much money illegally , some without having to even pay for their music -like someone in this thread said i cant dj even if  i buy music from spotify unless i have permission from them to do so ..yes most moderate clubs tips r very low so even tho this practice is highly illegal for many or most its profitless hence nobody cares about it happening - true thing


    19 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    At 3 sets a day, i would doubt you have a full time RL job.  

    The DJ i was  a PH of was retired :P i know a lot of retired DJs who play for fun, and some DJs based in Asian countries do that for "extra income" besides rl job - in asia even 100$ a month is a lot (so thats profit for them without much expense if they r doing it illegally) also a lot of my friend hosts and dancers from asia work for the same purpose ~

    Since some DJs r profiting many others r not....i dont think anybody will waste their time on this matter :P even tho it is illegal

  4. 5 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    The main reason DJs in SL "get away" with streaming music in clubs is simple.. There is no money to be made by talking them to court. Seriously, DJs get what, $500L an hour if they are lucky? $2 USD an hour? No DJ in SL is getting rich. 

    Every single law about copyright has a little loophole in it, they all say "for profit" somewhere. If you don't make any money, you aren't making profit.

    True...however some DJs play 3-4 sets everyday - music downloaded from youtube (some buy from itunes) - some got sam broadcaster pirated- some adult zoned clubs pay+tips (i myself hang out at those where the DJs make 2500- 3k on an average set (2hrs) and the dancers/hosts make 1200-1500 and i used to be a PH for such a DJ so trust me the earning isnt as little as most people think it to be as playing 2-3 sets almost 4-5 days a week year after year illegally is quite something ! 

    but yeah i dont think anybody is going to police the music inworld anytime soon even if they do djs have no legal obligation to show track titles so yeah they can "get away" with it i believe ~ its why i asked about licensing needs and wanted to be sure i needed 1 before starting my own dj career in sl ~ since its pretty expensive legally im going to stick with hosting hehe


    PS: doing my own research too xD


    7 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

    Most people in SL pirate and don't pay licensing. This is just as wrong as copybotting.

    So how come DJs who illegally (without license) stream music they bought from itunes/spotify or just downloaded from youtube r getting away with it...including club/venue owners who allow such djs? :o 

  6. 2 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    in addition to Skell's links.. music from Spotify is only for personal and privat use, not for broadcasting, unless you have a special agreement with the provider.

    This also for music you have on CD/DVD, you'r not allowed to use that for public situations, unless it's explicitly meant for use in public venues ..the costs are mostly not that different, but the licence and where you buy it is.

    So, where do I get music from to DJ in sl and do i have to pay royalties or sl club events r considered private events?

  7. Hi I wanna be a DJ in SL like my friend :P So, my friend couldn't be sure about the licensing part....D: Can someone tell me if to DJ at clubs from France Ill be needing a streaming license besides buying music from spotify or sl clubs and land parcels covering the license? (I read online many places but all those posts were contradictory - some saying sl covers the license so djs dont need to worry about getting one to broadcast , some saying i have to check with my countrys licensing laws D: )

    Your help will be appreciated! Thanx

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