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  1. Thanks for the input. The objective is to be able to show different icons. So it could even be a bird icon if the person is flying "solo", is in a plane or ballon or jumps of a cliff in their car. And the main thing was to not show a boat icon unless they are on the water. I was only hoping there was a shortcut to do this but I cant see any reasons for not being able to do an estimate of what to show.
  2. Thank You for the quick response. I'll try and go another path to determine what kind of vehicle the avatar sits on. Since I don't need an exact definition I might get it to work. More in the line of "she is sitting on something that floats on the water and moves, that makes it a boat".
  3. Is there a way to get what type of vehicle, boat or plane, an avatar sits on? There is the llSetVehicleType but I can't seem to find an equivalent to read that flag. I fear I have missed something really fundamental here but I can't for my life find out how to do it.
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