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Posts posted by Katiezord

  1. Hi everyone!

    I'm really enjoying my experiences in second life so far. I've met some wonderful people, and even started making mesh tattoos for my own avi, with an aim to one day maybe even start my own store! I've become really involved in the wonderful queer community around SL, and feel very welcomed!

    However, one thing that has been a huge source of frustration for me, is being told I must wait 30 days to do things.

    Now, before you mention about trolls and griefers, I get it, I really really do. Trolls suck, and protecting the community is important, especially in safe queer spaces. However, I have been turned down for 10 jobs as a DJ, hostess or dancer now. Not because I'm unqualified, my RL experience more than qualifies me.

    Nope, it's because I've not been here long enough.

    Another argument could be that I simply don't know my way around, or how to operate the software well enough. Though I can see lots of people might need time to make that adjustment, some do not. This has knock on effects, as of course without employment, as in real life, being social and taking part in fun activities can be hampered.

    This isn't a request, or me being angry at any one person in particular. It's me sharing my experiences, hoping some people will choose to judge people based on merit, as opposed to arbitrary time limits, and encourage discussion of this topic.

    Thanks! Hugs n kisses!

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  2. Hi! I'm Katie, from Canada and looking to make some friends!

    I'm pretty new, and finding the 30 day waits for jobs a little frustrating (I get the reasons why, trolls be trolling.) so while I wait, I figure I can make some friends!

    I love talking about video games, music (especially rock or 90's) adult beverages and lewd topics. Girls, I'm queer, so I might hit on you. Consider this fair warning! 

    Hoping to find some regular pals to chat to and maybe show me some of their favourite spots around SL!

    Katie x

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