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Posts posted by LaurelleTolantes

  1. 2 hours ago, steeljane42 said:

    It does matter sometimes. You might have a few (or even a lot) friends that you enjoy having at your place and happy to allow them to use it for their needs even if you're not around. You probably don't want some random trolls to drop on their heads harassing them/forcing them to leave, do you?

    Two solutions are: orb with access list, where you add friends as "guests" or orb without access list, but you add every single of those friends as admins, so they'd be able to eject unwanted visitors. I would say that first way is way easier and safer.

    And yes, some people are easier about their virtual property than others. So if you don't mind your place being public, it's your choice and right. I, personally, do mind. It's maybe virtual and pixels, but it's my home and not some public club/bar/playground for people I never seen. So until I got my region (which is also not public and never will be) and I was renting parcels in private islands, I always had orb on.


    Get the orb AND use banlines if needed too. Decent, but pricy orb is caspersafe. It keeps the track of all visitors, returning visitors and more on the webpage. It also has other good features, which you might or might not need.

    Thanks so much! 

  2. I just had an idea you couldn't! I've checked all the settings and can't find anything.....I wrote the created but no response.

    I am wondering what is the best way to keep pervs from just dropping into my private mainland house? They've got so they just pop in invisible sometimes and just take advantage of the furniture and even once my baby's blanket on the floor!

    I see all the ppl who do not like the ban lines, so I hesitate to use those.  So...any ideas at all? Thanks! and thanks for the response, Solar! :)

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