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  1. I feel With Linden Labs more and more issues are appearing my question is if we cant log in to our land then why should we pay for using it when its impossible to log in like they say its always another problem or another i wonder if it cost them in refunds how many times it would be a mess. everyday now its something excuses excuses.
  2. i voice how i feel regardless of cap's and as for kid's linden labs should clamp down on it rules or no rules there a child avi for god sake so stick to what you play
  3. The sooner The better linden lab's conform to this the better it will be , restricting child avatar's to PG rated sims only The child is what it plays no matter what age it is if you play a child avatar then restriction's should be in place. This should go without saying for the safety of those concerned if child avatar's do not like this then don't pretend to be a child be adult.what they play on is the simpathy a child would get and the attention that it seek's. keep them out of M RATED AND ADULT SIM'S and some child avatar's have a foul mouth which is wrong too plus they act all innocent but are far from it since they are people that are usually around the age of consent playing them. SO LINDEN LAB'S LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU AND DON'T IGNORE THE FACT THAT YOU TOO ARE RESPONSIBLE BY ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN COMMON SENSE TELL'S YOU TO PROTECT CHILD AVI'S SO RESTRICT THEIR AGE AS A CHILD IN REAL LIFE ( PG RATED) YOU WOULDN'T LET YOUR OWN CHILDREN GO TO AN ADULT PLACE NOW WOULD YOU ?
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