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Posts posted by JacksLiver

  1. 1 minute ago, Blush Bravin said:

    The golden ratio is applied to any, ANY height. You can use it to be 1 m tall or 6 m tall. If you look at the original avatars provided by the lab, they were not giants. Most were at or just under 2m tall. It's the camera angle that caused all the problems. In the past five, or so, years we've seen a substantial shift toward more natural heights for avatars and objects. Sure we still have mega huge buildings and furnishings in world, but by far, most current content is made with more realistic heights in mind. It's been a very welcomed improvement.

    I just said that on my last post a few minutes ago. I know.

  2. That's not the point. It's a few centimeters gap, 2,20 m tall is about 1,80 m in Real Life. We're playing match with the environment itself (Look at Grass textures scale or default hair sizes for example). I'm not going to extremes, and I don't mind how tall you choose to be, there's short people in Real Life too and that's ok as long as you use the Golden Ratio. It's about people going to the extent to use deformers to alter the mesh and using it as an excuse to have certain behaviours while bending ToS to their whims, and yes, that's real.

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  3. On 6/16/2024 at 3:33 AM, Bree Giffen said:

    Try measuring a room you use in real life and recreate a basic prim version in SL. It will be very small. It also gives you a sense of how tall your avatar is because you can imagine your avatar walking around in that very room. When I tried it, my avatar would smash through the ceiling if she stood up straight. It was disturbing and I immediately shrank my avatar down to a more realistic size. Still makes me feel uneasy when I think of a gigantic Bree crouching down to get through the doorway.

    Exactly, Real Life Scale is not valid in Second Life. It's not your avatar that is huge, it's the initial scale error that made it happen that way, so there's Real Life Scale and Second Life scale.  When in Second Life, use Second Life's. Adjust yourself to the world around you, don't try to adjust the world to you. When that scale error was spotted was too late o set the toothpaste back in the tube, it's pointless to even try.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Um, there is no loophole because there is no rule that adult avatars need to be a certain height.   Certain region owners might have arbitrary height requirements but LL does not.

    There's been used as an excuse by certain people, which created a loophole. Unless you're a dwarf, using the Golden Ratio (look it up), that's what you get. Everything else is just an excuse to validate some unwated behaviours.

  5. On 6/13/2024 at 10:46 AM, Conifer Dada said:

    I know this topic has been covered before but it's worth coming back to.

    Say you want your avatar to be 5ft 6in tall (1.68m) tall. Using the standard Linden Lab viewer, if you set that height on the shape slider, you'll be considerably taller than a prim of the same height. In other words, there's a mismatch between the scale of the appearance slider and that of of prims.

    I use the Alchemy viewer, where the shape slider value has been amended to correspond very closely to prim scale. The same is true of Firestorm. Yet we still have this scale discrepancy on the LL viewer.

    I don't know how much people are bothered about scale in SL. Some people probably just want their avatar to be big to dominate the dancefloor, or maybe they just don't care about scale at all. Certainly some builders don't seem too bothered about scale when it comes to buildings or furniture, which matters if it's no-mod!

    I wonder why LL never amended the height scale on the shape slider. As well as that being amended, it would be useful to have a new 'scale' slider that lets you alter the size of your avatar without affecting any proportions.

    A Regular mesh head is 75 on the Shape slider, a body is 7,5x the head size or 8 if you want it more elongated. a Hand is the size of your face. Doesn't matter how tall the Height Value is marked, that's Anathomy 1 on 1. Linden Lab did mess up the scale on release and after that all builds  been done accordingly to that, furniture, etc. You look around on a regular club and people are about that size about 2 to 2.3 m tall. If you're a male and are bellow 2 meters in height, you're to be considered a child avatar. Do not use this scale loophole to bend the rules, stay in your G rated Regions. 

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