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Posts posted by ToxicSkunky

  1. I sigened up about 2 weeks ago. I am a new premium member. They promised 1,000L$ for new members when signed up. I looked in the looked in the log and it wasn't pending or anything like that. I even didnt get the 300L$ for the first week as well. I got the 300L$ this week. But I haven't gotten what was promised. Who do I contact for this or what should I do? 

  2. 6 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Your L.I. allowance in that Linden Home is 175.  You can stuff a whale of a lot of items in the house before you hit that limit, unless you are getting prim (not mesh) items that have a high L.I.  If you buy another 512 m x 512 m parcel, it will have the same L.I. allowance, but no house. To review all of your Premium benefits, read in the Knowledge Base, starting with


    So even if i abanden the home I will still be getting 175 Prims allowence? Is there a way to add more if I put the money to get more? Aside from buying another parcel to add onto the other. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Nalytha said:

    You can abandon your Linden home and buy a 512 plot with no monthly tier. This is the same size parcel as your Linden home. Keep in mind, however, that when you own a Linden Home, the actual house does not cost you any land impact. If you choose to buy land, your house is going to cost you land impact. 

    How would I be able to abanden this home to get the parcel? I know how to  buy the parcel. But I have not a clue how to abanden the home.

  4. I do not like the premium homes. They give you so little prims with your home to actually fill up your home with what you want. I want to buy a parcel but it'll cost me 5$ more bucks a month for getting it. I want to trade in my home so I can have this land with no additional cost. Is there a way to do it? and if is can anyone explain to me how so I can get this done with?

    Please and thank you.

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