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Posts posted by AnimusKa

  1. In the past I suggested that LL plant trees and shrubs on any unoccupied land and terraform it to merge with the height of neighbouring parcels, so that if one is lucky enough to buy a more remote parcel then the surroundings can be used for things like horse riding while unoccupied, and the view is always nice. For me this would make it worth buying land and possibly paying tier for a larger more usable plot.

    So, on my ever growing wish-list I have...

    More trees please and smoothed abandoned/unoccupied land. I know that tree planting and terraforming can be automated, and it can be stopped, for example, 512 sq m from any owned parcel to give the occupier a bit of automatic clearance around their property.

    Compulsory purchase, at cost, of any land that is not sold and remains unoccupied for more than a year, or perhaps a year and a half- can't be fairer than that. If it isn't sold by then it shows it is overpriced or rotten land or the owner doesn't bother to manage it. This includes those little parcels with advertisements on which eat into otherwise desirable land and make it unsaleable. That should never have been allowed to happen.

    There is so much land around the coasts that is priced in 1000s of $ real money, and that's absolutely ridiculous. It just spoils the coasts for people who love to be by the sea, and there's just no chance of selling land at those silly prices! Those parcels are often filled with horrible signs and objects that make coastal living and/or navigation impossible, and they spoil the coast for everyone. And that brings me to another point...

    Sea around every coast should be navigable, and definitely never for sale, so that it remains completely clear for sailing and for the Mer community to swim in. As a Mer I explore far and wide and I often encounter complete blockages that I have no choice but to TP past. Like being able to fly across any land above a certain height one should be able to swim/sail around any land and through any river. There is a large sailing community and quite an appreciable Mer community. I swam and sailed around the coasts when I first arrived in SL, and rode a horse inland for hundreds of miles, but after sea parcels were put up for sale horrible prims littered everywhere. It is completely yuk now! I have enough of real pollution without suffering it in SL too.

    High script usage should either be liable for additional costs or, more fairly, restricted to certain sims designated for that purpose. If you've ever had the misfortune to suddenly find oneself living next door to a parcel full of breedable cats or breedable horses you'll know why I suggest this. I know this idea won't make me popular but those breeding parcels are also far from popular when I see my frame rate reduced from 100+ to 10 fps or less, and my own meagre scripts fail to run without stuttering.

    I use a friend's Linden house to get away from nearly all of the horrors. If only those Linden Homes had a smattering of "no-mans land" around them to space them out a bit I'd get my own! Surely empty mainland could be used couldn't it? And if the boundary areas had trees planted in them then that would really make every plot feel like a special place to be. Since there's so much free/abandoned land everywhere, surely reusing it to create nice communities with the stricter rules of Linden Homes and tree'd area between homes would encourage users to stay inworld and entice more in. Such communities could be created on some of those extremely large plots that are abandoned and merged instead of selling to speculators. Everyone I know, without exception, loves nicely created homes and gardens and peaceful retreats and gentle music, so I can say with certainty that such places would be popular to at least a fair few, and that would be worth premium membership!

    How about a Linden Home with twice the land allocation and a bigger house, that we can pay the tier for (reduced because of the land constraints)? I'd happily pay for an additional 1024, or even 2048, to have a nicer sized plot but still be part of the Linden Home community with its stricter rules on creating junk contamination.

    I'd also like to see home build homes on Linden Land that are built from modular constructions that merge perfectly into Linden homes, of which certain walls would be able to be removed so that premade extension modules can be added.

    Make the ceilings just a bit higher in the Linden homes so that one's camera doesn't do a merry dance.

    It feels good to have a mumble and get it all out of my system. I have no idea if it'll ever be read but one never knows... I don't see any reason to not have a mix of Linden Home type land and free to buy land so long as the borders are sufficiently big to avoid visual contamination. Having Linden Home plots filling each sim would reduce the system requirements too so mainland could be more economical for LL to run. Just a thought. That's it for now...

    Instead of shooting me down for daring to think about what would make SL better for me, be creative and come up with your own better solutions for improvements. I know my wants are imperfect and flawed, but they are still what I would love to see happen, and getting even a tenth of my wish-list would make a difference to me :)

    Lusa Em!

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