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Posts posted by ZenosLegend

  1. I am currently seeking a part-time administrative aide for my SL endeavors. I tend to have a busy schedule with my RL and SL work, and as a result, I'm looking for someone who is efficient in management, organizational skills, and writing. The specific job responsibilities are flexible based on the individual, and the agreement that we work out. However, the bare minimum requirements are listed below:

    • Must be well-spoken and articulate in the English language.
    • Must be 21+ in RL.
    • Must have prior experience with MS Word, Excel, and/or data management, or general office management.
    • Must be friendly and sociable. 

    If you are interested, please contact me in-world via IM at ZenosLegend. We can then communicate and determine if you are a good fit for this position.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. I am currently seeking a part-time administrative aide for my SL endeavors. I tend to have a busy schedule with my RL and SL work, and as a result, I'm looking for someone who is efficient in management, organizational skills, and writing. The specific job responsibilities are flexible based on the individual, and the agreement that we work out. However, the bare minimum requirements are listed below:

    • Must be well-spoken and articulate in the English language.
    • Must be 21+ in RL.
    • Must have prior experience with MS Word, Excel, and/or data management, or general office management.
    • Must be friendly and sociable. 

    If you are interested, please contact me in-world via IM at ZenosLegend. We can then communicate and determine if you are a good fit for this position.

    Thank you for your time.

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