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Posts posted by KikiRebul

  1. A new club, Underworld, is a Techno Club with an awesome vibe.  Very good techno dj's throughout the week, looking to expand our earlier times in SL when I cannot be there.  Must like techno, be engaging, and fun.  We would need an assistant Manager who also works as a host as I do. You get your tips for hosting, but of course supporting the club a little is appreciated.  We have a warm and accepting adult sim, and great team, but we need more help to cover times when I or the owners cannot be there.  Please send me a notecard if you are interested in learning more and having a conversation.  My name is KikiRebul in sl, screen name Kiki Rebul.  Chat me up!  Training available.  New or seasoned hosts/managers, I train each so you know how to run the show.  Enthusiasm for techno a plus. Adult Sim, but no escorts or strippers needed.  Thank you! 

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