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Everything posted by DreamBoy777

  1. UPDATE: V-Tech boi does not support male mesh heads.
  2. One more question please: Lelutka male head does not fit v-tech (neck is absolutely different). Can I use male mesh heads with v-tech at all?
  3. Thanks Fionalein, That is exactly what I was looking for.
  4. Problem is male part is smaller, than female part. I mean Male part width is lesser. So if I just hide female part av will end with hole in her body. Of course there is a way to make male part much bigger and slide it deeper than it should be... May be this way one can achieve better result... at least hide female part. But then av will have very big male part, which is unnatural in this case to this type of av.
  5. This is the result. I've aligned male part perfectly. It looks great from any angle except from bellow. as soon as you look from bellow you clearly see female genitalia. Picture is removed.
  6. I will perform some experiments. Thanks for tips.
  7. I've spent some time examining female genitalia on maitreya body and it seems mesh, not just skin. So if I add male genitalia I will receive shemale, not male. I do not mind against shemales generally :), but not in this case. Is there any mod like v-tech boi, that corrects the area? You may think I am worrying about unimportant details, but please have in mind that creation of shemale is very simple: you choose any female body, any head... just add male genitalia. The whole point of spending time and money on things like v-tech and skins are to have undoubtedly a male in female clothes.... And what is the point all of this if it becomes apparent he is not a male the same second as he undresses?
  8. One more question, please. If I go Maitreya V-tech way... what to do with v a g i n a? I do not want to create a shemale... just male crosdresser. Any ideas?
  9. Thanks guys very helpful tips. Now things became more clear to me. Thanks again.
  10. Hi all, I would like to create male cross dresser av and can not decide what way to choose. On one hand, if you use standard body your av will be able to wear any fitmesh outfit (there are some very nice ones), but it also would mean you have to use standard body (which is not the best) and standard head too as matching head and body colors if you go mesh head will be very hard problem (if solvable at all). May be you would be able to use some third party hands and feet with your av (not sure about it), but still this seems quite unappealing way, if you want to have nice looking av. Another way is to have mesh body. Problem with this way is number of available outfits. Even male outfits for male mesh bodies are limited... cosdressing ones are only few. Some clothes are available for [V-Tech]Boi, but againvery limited number. So, can anybody advise what is the best way to have crosdresser male av? What is most important for me: 1. nice look (ability to have mesh body and mesh head probably - without that terrible neck seam) 2. good choice of clothes - not only 20 or 30 of them If such way exists, please kindly advise.
  11. OK, promised update: few minutes ago I wrote her and explained the situation. I said if she doesn't want me as a friend i will never disturb her again. And magick hapened and she added me to friend's list. It is so good. I am happy now - she is best person in sl. Thanks people again.
  12. Thank you for good advice. I looked into my inventory an HERE IS NOT HER CALLING CARD! It gives me a hope. I will send her a message when she will be online. Thanks people, you really helped alot. I will let you know what she ttells. Bye and thanks again.
  13. One more question, plz: if she removed me from her list, would it remove her calling card from my inventory too?
  14. I am sure offer was accepted. It is logged in firestorm file: " [2017/02/10 02:17] Second Life: Friendship offer accepted."
  15. You may be right. It happens i suggested her friendship, went away and some hours after she accepted my friendship and responded in IM. She could not do it earlier as she was... roleplaying. Then I thanked her and told it was greatest honor for me and said goodbye. Could it be some technical glitch? Between suggestion of friendship and it's acceptance passed at least 4, 5 or even more hours.
  16. May be I didn't made myself clear. I never molested he, never disturbed. She attracted me not by her beauty and such and I could be so called distant friend only. It just seems strange: a moment ago she accepted friendship and said just to call if I need her. And then she removes me. Strange. Ok, thanks anyway. P.S. I found her prifile with my note - it is definitely her. I am not going disturb her.
  17. Update: thanks to help of Alwin Alcott I recovered her name. Thank you so much. By the way does something like Skype contact search exist in Second Life?
  18. No she is not the only friend - have lot of them, but she is the only one which have interested me in the whole game. Thank you very much for clarification. I will try to recover her from history. Thanks.
  19. Hi, Not sure where should I open this topic - here or technical support. If it is a wrong place, please move the topic to appropriate place. I am new to Second Life and don't know how it works, so may be it is a stupid question, but still: I met some person and we become friends. I got message box telling she accepted friendship offer as well as I saw message in chat box telling she is online. Now, some time later I wanted to send her a message, but she is gone! Problem is I don't even fully remember her nickname and can not find her anywhere. Anybody had such issue? Is there any way to find her? P.S. and by the way, does such thing as avatar search exist in Second Life? The only thing I want is to send her a message.
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