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Posts posted by Naskiff

  1. 2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Sounds interesting and I may show up next Sunday.  Depending on whether it's actually a learning discussion or a condescending screaming match, I might even show up twice.

    For what it's worth, the political conversation was civil, if most likely fruitless, and the next topic seems mild.

    • Like 1
  2. The debate on Sunday was political, and it went quite a bit like Nalates anticipated above. At least there was representation from both sides.

    The next topic is expected to not be political. From the group notice:

    "Why did you choose the avatar you chose, and do you see it as an extension of your RL self or a character you play? Does someone else's avatar influence how you interact with them? Come discuss these questions and others on Sunday!"


    On a positive note, people sometimes hang out at the Cafe to talk about various things or play board games. :)  So this thread is really about a new hangout that has events.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

    Please, let's not get sidetracked onto vaccines.   

    But that's politics as a whole. This is how the script always goes.

    Someone on the left says something political and pretend it's not political.

    Someone on the right calls out their hypocrisy.

    The one on the left says "it's not fair, this is whataboutism. We're talking about this specific thing now."

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    None of which makes it comparable in any way to getting the vaccine which is my point.  I've yet to see a valid argument that one woman getting an abortion can effect the health of any random person she may come in contact with.  

    The goalpost is constantly being moved wherever convenient and assumptions are made about so-called facts.

    You can't pretend that the vaccine protects the population when so many of the vaccinated have still caught covid. If it reduces the symptoms, it makes you even more likely to spread the virus unknowingly - and that's what you're trying so hard to prevent, right? The spread? That's your moral stance?

    Whether you get vaccinated or not, you are a danger to those around you. This is what everyone knows, the vaccine doesn't make you immune. Likewise you are a danger when you drive, or when you are allowed to express yourself freely on the internet because you could potentially drive someone towards suicide.

    When are these breaches against liberty in the name of safety going to end? And again, weren't you guys vehemently pro choice and pro liberty until a moment ago? What happened?

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  5. Summary: What is Go, what if I don't like Chess, and what is it like playing Go in SL.

    Go is a strategy board game for two players most often played in Japan, South Korea and China. It has simple rules, but takes a lifetime to master. On your turn, you must place a stone on a 19x19 grid. The goal of the game is to surround more territory than your opponent. On average, a game lasts between 20 and 60 minutes.

    When a game starts, the board is completely empty. Thanks to this, the number of viable and realistic variations is absolutely immense, therefore we rarely study sequences and openings. Instead we focus on improving our fundamentals and strategy.

    Go uses a handicap system where the weaker player starts the game with a number of stones placed in advance, so it's always possible to have an interesting game when you are new or playing against someone who is new.

    Many or most proficient Go players do not play Chess, often because they are bad at it. Chess mostly uses the left hemisphere of the brain, while Go uses both more evenly.

    Go is a game that is played in real life and online servers but we have had a small community in Second Life for a decade. People come and go, but more often than not, there are some of us who wish to play or teach the game.

    We have a wonderful and unique opportunity here in Second Life to play this game online in a way that feels real. We have an avatar that we care about, we play in beautiful areas, on a 3D board, and we play in a friendly manner, against acquaintances and friends that we get to know more every time.

    Here are some quick points about what a typical day looks like.
    There are games played every day.
    We almost never use a clock and we don't use a ranking system.
    The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming, not competitive; we play for the pleasure of it and to become stronger players.
    We don't only play Go, we also hang out, chat, and play other games.
    The only "dress code" is to refrain from doing BDSM activities, so avoid holding someone on a leash. Furries are welcome.

    This is an opportunity for you to do something different in SL in a welcoming environment.
    You can learn a game that you will never forget for the rest of your life, and a game that is played all over the world.
    If you are an intellectually curious person, whether you already play Go or not, I encourage you to join us.
    And if you see us playing a game, feel free to sit down with us and watch the game. We will be happy to have you with us.
    Our main hang out spot is in Satori: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/244/172/28
    And the group we use is named Kido Province.
    I recommend that you come to Satori, because the group is rarely used at the moment.

    For any question, don't hesitate to contact me in SL. :)


    • Like 5
  6. On 9/15/2018 at 8:56 AM, Klytyna said:

    So sayeth every failed amateur coder since the late 1940's, when the electronic programmable computers were first being built and developed...

    Learning to program isn't an 8-10 hour task.

    It absolutely is. Perspective is important here. Most of the people who wrote here seem to ignore the context. When you have never scripted or programmed and you want to make a small script, you just want to make something that works, at all, even if just partially. Your goal is not to become a professional programmer or scripter, you just want to make a small thing and call it your own. It doesn't matter if it's incomplete, bugged, bloated or laggy. You just want it to work at all.

    If you can make your cube say something else than "Touched." when you click on it, that's fun.

    If you can make it say the current SLT time, then wow, things are getting exciting!

    And if you can make it say the current time in your own time zone, that's another exciting step and it doesn't matter what the script looks like, as long as it works.

    That's how you start. To someone who never scripted or programmed before, they can't even know if they will be able to make their cube do that because everything seems so uncertain.

    In 8-10 hours of taking a good programming tutorial, you learn about data types like strings, you hopefully learn that integers and floats are treated as different and somewhat incompatible things, you learn about global and local variables, you learn that you CAN create your own functions, you learn that lists exist and that they can be used in creative ways, for example as a 2D grid or as dynamic memory.

    You learn the general idea of brackets, and you learn how functions and everything else are vaguely supposed to work together. Without this knowledge, you might write


    and you will save. It will compile without errors, making you believe that you did this step right. The next step is to somehow access and display this information. You might try...

    touch_start(integer t){
    llOwnerSay("My name is t");}


    llOwnerSay("My name is "+t);}


    llOwnerSay("My name is "+ObjectName");}


    llOwnerSay("My name is "+llGetObjectName);}


    llOwnerSay("My name is "+llGetObjectName(););}


    You will try all these wild attempts at magic and fail fail fail and waste a great amount of time and effort.

    What truly matters is that you get some sense of direction. That's what the 8-10 hours are for. If you took a partial C# tutorial, state_entry() won't look so strange to you because you've seen it many times before and you vaguely know how to use it. On the wiki, you will vaguely know what kind of information that you need, what part of the page is pertinent to your current need, and if you copy/paste something, you will at least have a vague idea of what it actually does and where/how to use it in your script. You won't spend an hour doing trial and error trying to figure out where to copy/paste something or if you're even trying to copy/paste the right thing.

    Later you will stumble on some tricks like "position.y" or "string functionName(){" or "functionName(string height){" and you will leave them on the back-burner until the day where you find a reason to use them and learn them properly. As long as you're just trying to get a cube to tell you the SLT time, you won't need to learn & use any of that fancy stuff.



    There's a BIG problem with telling would-be LSL scripters to "learn the basics using [insert advisors favorite language here]".

    That's how you aquire BAD habits, and end up constantly moaning that LSL doesn't support Feature-X of #Buttscript (tm).


    With 8-10 hours, you haven't formed habits yet, and you certainly haven't learnt to depend on language-specific features. And LSL looks a lot like a simpler, more convenient version of C#, so it's easy to transition.


    For an LSL beginner, learning to "flowchart" would be a damn sight more useful than learning a different programming language.

    That's exactly what spending 8-10 on a tutorial is for. It gives you a sense of how things work, it gets you started smoothly on your first projects, and you learn more and refine as you keep scripting. If your first project is a complex one, it will become a disgusting mess, but at least it will give you small victory after small victory and you will actually get to see your script DO things and evolve, instead of getting stuck at the start for hours, staring at a script that is completely unintelligible to you.

    My first script was something that would lock my earrings on me using RLV. I had no basics. Somehow with a lot of trial and error and many hours, I kinda got it to work to lock the specific item that had the script in it. I learned NOTHING from the experience.


    • Like 1
  7. My experience has been that trying to understand how scripting works by reading scripts made by others is extremely frustrating and a waste of time if you have no basics.

    When all you want to do is make something undetachable or have it give a landmark to those who click on it, it feels like learning the basics is not worth the commitment, but it really is.

    Learning to code properly doesn't take long. Spend about 8-10 hours learning from a programming tutorial and you will have a solid, functional grasp on what is important. You don't need to finish the whole tutorial, it's just more efficient to spend a few hours going through a tutorial than it is taking hours trying to make a stupid function work in your script when it should only take a minute.

    Python was recommended earlier.  I recommend C# because it's extremely similar to LSL, so it's easy to transition from C# to LSL.

    You don't need to make your script right now, it can wait. SL will still be here next week. So don't be in a hurry, learn this properly.

    It will also make scripting enjoyable, and it will serve you well in a few months when you get a new scripting idea.

    The tutorial I used is https://www.sololearn.com/Course/CSharp/
    You don't need to complete it, but you will be thankful to yourself for every hour you spend on it.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    Actually "++value" increments the value before it is evaluated, so it is 1 by the time it is checked the first time. What you're describing is "value++" but it would loop 11 times in total if the initial value was 0.
    These technical details are important to know once you have the basics down, but not super important for OP to understand yet at this point.

    Are you sure? ^^  Haha, to be honest, I made a short test before writing this just to be sure I wasn't giving a wrong information...

    integer goal = 3;
    integer count = 0;
            while (++count < goal);

    The result is
    [17:16] Object: 0
    [17:16] Object: 1
    [17:16] Object: 2

    and if I write count++ instead, the result is...
    [17:17] Object: 0
    [17:17] Object: 1
    [17:17] Object: 2
    [17:17] Object: 3

    I learned something from testing this a second time, I used to think ++count and count++ did the exact same thing in LSL. I was wrong about that.

    Edit: I get it now, I think I was wrong in my explanation. It took me a while to wrap my head around it!


    And Pixstudio, learning LSL by just looking at the code is really hard. Since you seem interested in learning, I would recommend taking a tutorial for either LSL, or C or C#. I learned with this one: https://www.sololearn.com/Play/CSharp.

    Getting started with LSL was easy after that.

  9. It's part of "do { } while ( )".

    It works like this: do { that } while (this is true).

    What the script does: Keep rezzing copies of this object while it remains true that iCounter is smaller than iMax.

    It's called Do while, on this page. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Flow_Control

    ++iCounter means every time the script reaches this point, it takes iCounter's value (at first, zero) and adds +1 to it for the next time.
    So it runs until the script reaches iCounter while its value is 10, in which case it's no longer smaller than iMax.

    • Like 1
  10. integer sensorDetected = 0;
        sensor(integer detected)
            if (sensorDetected == 0)
                sensorDetected = 1;
                llOwnerSay("Someone is nearby.");
            if (sensorDetected == 1)
                sensorDetected = 0;
                llOwnerSay("Nobody is nearby.");

    This script, when worn, should tell me only once whether there is someone nearby or not, until there is a change in whether there is someone or not.

    This script works everywhere I have been, except at my friend's home on the main land. If I stand there without moving and nobody else is around, every 3 seconds I receive one of the two messages.

    Nobody is nearby.
    Someone is nearby.
    Nobody is nearby.
    Someone is nearby.
    Nobody is nearby.
    Someone is nearby.

    I thought maybe it comes from a nearby item even though it's scanning for agents...  so I went a few meters high in the sky where the nearest item is hundreds of metres away, and I still get the message spam, so it's about X Y and not Z positioning.
    If I walk to the neighboring parcels far enough, it doesn't spam anymore.
    If someone else is there, it works fine.
    If I TP out, it works fine in that other sim... As soon as I TP back and there is nobody there, it spams the messages again.

    I tried PI/2. When someone is nearby and I face them, they are detected once. If I don't face them, they are not detected, again once. That's working as intended. But I need a 360° scan.
    Doing PI/1 doesn't change anything, it behaves in the same spammy way.

    The parcel's "options" are 100% health, avatars inside this parcel cannot be seen, Health, no flying, no voice.

    The spam happens to whoever wears this script in that zone.

    I have another object there that scans the region occasionally, so I rezzed it in another place to see if causes the spam. It does not.

    Any ideas? I realize it's not exactly a scripting question, but I don't know a better place to ask.


    Edit: I have changed it to llInstantMessage to rez it at the home and TP away. It never spams, it works as intended. So the weird loop happens when I'm wearing it and there is nobody else around and I'm at this specific home.

  11. I am trying to detect non-physical objects, not myself. ^^ I want the script to bump me up a little when I "collide" with a certain non-physical object.   Without the script, I just walk through that object. But yes it's only intended to be used by myself.

  12. I am trying to scan a nearby scripted object to get its object name. I figure getting its key would be a good start... Could someone please explain why this sensor keeps returning a NULL key when it detects an object?

    "I detect 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"


    What I'm actually trying to accomplish is, I want to wear this sensor. When I walk into a small, non-physical item that has a particular name, it will change my hover height to a predetermined value to make it seem like I'm standing on it normally.

    key id;
        sensor(integer num_detect)
            id = llDetectedKey(num_detect);
            llOwnerSay("I detect "+(string)id);
            llOwnerSay("no detect");


  13. Hi there, we are looking for more Go players at the new Kiai Temple.

    For those who don't know it, Go (aka Baduk, Igo, Weiqi) is an ancient game still popular today, mostly in eastern Asia. Being comparable to chess, it's the kind of game that is easy to learn at first and offers an extreme level of depth. This game attracts those who seek a hobby that requires a considerable mental effort. :)  It also means that Go is not the kind of game that you discover in 10 minutes! The fun is subtle and it grows into something beautiful alongside your progress.

    If you don't like Chess but seek a challenge, don't be afraid because I don't like it so much either! To climb the ranks in Go, you can make use of a wider array of mental skills than in Chess, so it may be more accessible. Besides, the Go community is friendly and helpful and a lot of people like to teach the game.

    The sim currently has two Go boards made by Silent Ying. Those boards don't need a server, so they are rock solid.


    Fair warning: This is an adult sim. The temple is located far up in the sky, but you should watch your step lest you slip and fall way down and land between two adults discussing philosophy.

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