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Riley Doune

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Posts posted by Riley Doune

  1. 6 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    There's no strawman here.

    You suggested copying a laughably worthless feature from some damn awful game you've played, that's nothing like SL, specifically to delete peoples builds that YOU don't like, because YOU made a FRAUDULENT claim that builds YOU don't like are "holding back the platform", and you have provided exactly NO valid reasons for justifying why this laughably worthless idea should be enacted.

    Further, you've FRAUDULENTLY compared it to LAND OWNERS being able to return objects that encroach on THEIR land, and there is NO comparison at all.

    Your whole thread is an exercise in fraudulent claims, in support of a weaponised scheme to permit legalised griefing of land owners.

    The answer is that your laughably worthless suggestion is NOT needed, NOT wanted, and NOT suitable for SL, and should NEVER be put in place, EVER.


    I generally agree, but why so aggressive? Opinions, definitionally, cannot be fraudulent - excuse me - FRADULANT - they're subjective. 

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