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Posts posted by CinnamonMousse

  1. 25 minutes ago, Vic Mornington said:

    I've worked for several companies that got taken over by investment companies.  What happens next falls into two categories depending on the path that the investment company follows.

    1: Things run smoothly for a year or so, then the investment company starts asset stripping piece by piece.  Not all at once (usually) but small pieces of the pie are stripped out and moved on to other companies they own.  Before anyone knows it, whats left is an empty shell, the user base then collectively leaves, and that empty shell is closed, or then, ultimately sold off to another buyer.  While that is going on, and about halfway through their plan, prices start to creep up, or new ways to milk the customer for money is brought in.  They intend to get as much cash as they can while the asset stripping is going on to at least get some kind of return on the initial investment before the sell off starts.

    2: The investment company...invests.  They take a loss on the initial purchase, a loss on the initial investment but have a road plan to regain that investment back in 2 to 5 years.  They hire in new staff to oversee and overhaul of the internal company structure, they hire in new I.T and new Dev's to oversee and undertake a complete and total independent and impartial inventory of the underlying structure of the company.  They then target the weak points, or points which may in the future stop or slow down income stream...and they throw money and people at it to fix the problem.  It is a long multistage plan, with the eventuality of the plan of making the company they invested into more profitable either by sheer growth of the user base, or an internal and external restructuring of the company and the services that company provides.  THIS is the kind of investment company we can hope has taken over Linden Research, the type of company who are in it for the long haul.

    We will find out (probably by the beginning of next year) if the investment company who took over is path 1, or path 2. 

    If they are path 1, we will all see it within 6 months as cash grabs as small asset stripping starts to take place.  When you see that start to happen...leave or dramatically scale back.  I know i will.


    Thank you for sharing your insights from your experiences. I agree with you. We hope for 2 but watch carefully. 

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  2. Webworm is located in the south east section of the Atoll (Heterocera). Both the maritime SLRR line and the Eastern SLRR line run across this region. 

    The entire region is for sale. The two small parcels on the other side of the SLRR lines are included and will be given to the purchaser of the main parcel (55760m2). 

    Asking price is L$3/6/m2  To negotiate price, contact CinnamonMousse Resident. Offline IMs go to email

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