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Posts posted by sch511

  1. God yes.

    The sun dial system, although it is 'pretty' (as in, some idiot GIU designer would have been like..wow, look how cool this is!) it is totally, 100% useless and offers so much less control over lighting and shadows than the 2 sliders.

    I have forgotten a LOT of year 12 stats, but having 2 sliders with at least 50 different positions PER bar (since both seem to move by about 0.07 increments) is a damn lot of possible combinations. Compare this to the pathetic sundial, which also has a utter LACK of numerical values, and a small surface area to actually move the cursor.

    I can look past other annoying issues with the EEP FS viewer (barely)..but as someone who takes a lot of pictures in FS, this is one change that is a 100% deal breaker for me. Especially considering how the FS viewers seem to run worse and worse with every revision.

    Someone told me today that EEP has been in development for two years, and I about fell off my chair laughing. 2 years for a system that is about 5% different than what we had, but manages to work worse?

    If FS has been testing it the entire time, HOW did not one person tell them the sundial interface is rubbish?

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