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Posts posted by Enfete

  1. It is obviously not correct if the hair base is baked on.

    So, essentially, I cannot change it or get rid of it, I have to choose a different avatar or buy a skin to cover it.

    Thanks to UncommonTruth for giving the relevant answer, albeit a ridiculous restriction.

    (and, I have bought hair that came with a hair base but, unfortunately, it was not cut the same as my hair base, which still shows, and the manufacturer obviously doesn't understand UncommonTruth's explanation as they keep persisting with this same idea that I can take it off).

  2. Sorry your explanation (for the hair) is what everyone says and it does not work. I have what is essentially a new avatar (well, that is what it said when I joined a couple of weeks ago) and it is (appears to be) impossible to "remove" my existing hair base. Setting the sliders to zero does nothing. In fact, you can tell straight away that it does nothing because when you move the volume slider to zero it disappears completely and leaves the original hair base showing.

    I have already said that I have tried mp bald base, that didn't work, attempted to create my own, that doesn't work, I have an A&A hair that comes with a "bald base" which does nothing and I have received a hair base with another expensive hair but its shape is insufficient to cover my base completely.

  3. I sympathize with the original poster. I have the same problem and wear sunglasses all the time. It is very annoying.
    And, as far as going "bald" is concerned, I have found no way of doing it. I have used both a bald base from MP (before I realised that the technique was available in game anyway) and created one myself. When reducing volume (as is always the method specified) all it does is disappear into my head and the old hair base is still visible. I bought some lovely hair to wear and it did come with its own hair base but unfortunately its shape isn't adequate to cover my existing base.

  4. I'm new to this... is this still not working?

    I get group notices all the time and don't necessarily have time to look at them straight away. Invariably, when I go back to them and select the attachment I get a message saying that it has been given to me but they are nowhere to be found.

    I was told by support that "they go stale after a while" but, surely, these are for events that may be continuing for some time, why would they no longer be accessible? Also, it may be less than half an hour later that I go to look at them, can't they hang around for a bit longer  than that?

    The situation is ridiculous. If this is a known bug, why hasn't it been fixed by now  (two years since the op, six years since raised as a bug)?

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