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Posts posted by JacquelineGottier

  1. I have been researching and testing your new search system on the marketplace website. I have also been questioning other designers about it. The conclusion is that the sales have dropped for everybody, leaving me to believe that it is VERY faulty. Your new search engine does not allow products to stay up high among other listings for longer periods of time causing them to drop immediately, or rendering them impossible to promote.

    One of the designers I interviewed told me that before the engine updates he was making around 10k daily. Now he only makes 1k, while having fully detailed listings, including names, tags, features and descriptions. While I attempt searching "dress" on marketplace, only lesser brands of very poor quality pop up, despite having NO details in their descriptions, names, features, etc.

    And one more thing. Dakota Linden wrote to me than people have to put now very well-matched tags in the descriptions and features. So if you're looking just a dress, you should to find just the dresses? Am I right? So please, tell me, why i'm searching a "dress", I see a lot of stuffs like shirts, pants, shoes!!?? This is very unfair. 

    Your new Search Engine works really badly. Hundreds of people are writing to you than they didn't earn any money now and you nothing to do with it.

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