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  1. I consider it abuse when PI Games starts cheating players and nothing is done about it. As far as i know, unless you have a premium account LL doesn't even listen or care about a ticket filed. If anyone from LL bothered to go sit at one of the PI Games gaming sims, it's easily seen that players are being cheated. It changed this past week to where now the jackpots are being withheld and players are not even being given the chance to play for some of the wins on the machines. You'd think if the terms of the games were going to be changed so drastically, PI Games would have to inform the players. I've been playing for year's now and I don't mind losing, but being cheated is another thing entirely. Maybe someone from LL should go play for half a day and see what it's like. I guess my question is....since the games were changed to comply with U.S. laws, should I be contacting the gaming comission as LL does nothing?
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