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Posts posted by LiquidLogicXX

  1. Innula, first of all, tell me, you are talking as a normal resident,and express that opinion or you are payed by LL ? You sound like a good advocate for the devil.And with a pretty limited view at that, you know those horse eye blinders ? Ring a bell ?


    I shouldnt be even thinking to go to a 'real life' office,too much of an effort for me,to claim what I should have from the beggining : PROTECTION FROM MONEY SCAMMERS IN THEIR OWN WORLD.

    They should regulate this by changing their TOS accordingly to the new times and users requirements. If you dont change, you will became obsolete or perish.

    Anyway,no point arguing with indoctrinated people. Have a happy life in your own little world. Thanks and bye.

  2. With all due respect, I don't agree. They should be ''geared up to it'', after all it's their little zoo jungle world here. They make the rules. They rent Sims to the ''owners'' right ?

    They could,for example ,hire one or two more guys,and create a 'Customer's protection Office'' or something similar. We even have that in my country,in real life, where all bad treated or abused customers can complain and ,eventually ,ask for an investigation.


    And if the so called 'Sim owner'',who actually is a renter too from them,is found culpable they could at least send him/her a warning about bad practices,like : '' Hey, is not nice to take people's money and banned them afterwards,it hurts your business,it hurts our business'' . Or punish in restricting some of their rights.


    But my dears, they won't do that cause they don't want to step on the toes of their biggest money bringers,and also,they don't want complications.


    So,Mr and Mrs Linden guys,if you're listen, give me and lots of others customers,who actually give you the bread on your table, the LEGAL FRAME to defend ourselves from abusing people and straight thieves :)


    Otherwise,in time,all that will be here will be you and a few 'Sim owners' . Thank you.

  3. I rented from Flanagan for three weeks. After briefly talking to the owner,and after saying to her politelly : 'now if you escuse me'' , she ejected me and my partner from the land,no refunds,nada.

    Now,it's not about the money,as she is cheap ,but that,to me,is stealing. This I.F is a scammer and a thief,in my view.

    My question is,what can I do about it ?

    Please,don't come up with 'the land owner is the god' type of replies, cause we are talking about my real money,hard eaned money stoled by an unscrupulous character for no reason. Thank you

    EDIT: This is not an attack of any kind. It's the afirmation of a abuse happened in SL. If you steal money in real life, isn't that a crime ? Won't you go to jail ? But if you do it in SL, nothing happens.

     In allowing that,and not interviening, LL is in danger to create a fraudulent image of its virtual reality,where every crime is possible without repercussion. Where scammers and thieves can and will take away your things.

    That is not a second life I wanna be a part of,sorry. With that said, I removed her personal name from my post,and I'll just consider my money lost.

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