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Everything posted by RealTrueMe

  1. I saw that and made me feel instantly better about my horror experience.
  2. I appreciate the response I understand and yes I am out of the situation now and never thought I would have to seek therapy. Was on the advice of a friend who I have known in rl for years noticed I was jumpy and when I did things even in someone elses house I would feel or act as if I would be in trouble and noticed it looked like I might have some form of ptsd.
  3. Let me make this clear this post was not put here so I could be critisized for my choices I had enough of that for 6 years and im done with it. If you don't have a story to tell then just don't comment. I am happy to hear and listen to others stories. If your goal is just to critisize about what sl is or what should be put on here to talk about just keep it to yourself please.
  4. yes im aware im talking about sl that is where I met my roomate but no I am not confused it took only this experience to know sl is sl and rl is rl and I won't forget that again.
  5. I think most of the time it only takes once at least for me I know others in sl that have done it over and over and over I could not take that. I even had one friend who invited a guy to come stay with her and when she picked him up at the airport he brought his rl wife whom she never knew about before picking him up that day. She was nice enough to let them stay with her until things went bad and she had to go to court to get them out of her house.
  6. I knew her for 10 years in sl before I even moved in with her and still did not realize what kind of person I was dealing with. I am telling you its a real lesson. She managed to hide this side of her for years. That takes alot of practice or a natural personality defect.
  7. Thats my main point for even posting wanting to hear of others experiences is that I am over it. The fact is I was left with lots of anxiety and fear for trust in others and I am trying to get that back. She destroyed that for me. I am not going to be able to stop her from doing it to others so this is my way of dealing with the experience so I don't let this experience make me distrust people for the rest of my life. Believe me I never thought this type of stress could actually cause ptsd in someone till I saw a therapist but the fact is it did. Someone that manipulaitive needs therapy herself so all I can do is take care of myself she will never change. I will pray for her and her future children cause with someone like that raising children I fear the worst. I was raised around manipulative people and she even managed to hide that from me for almost 6 years that is a sign of someone with real issues. Your right there were positive moments now that I look back on I am sure that was fake as well to achieve her own agenda.
  8. I can totally see why for sure the only thing I learned is that the person you know in sl can be a totally different person in rl.
  9. I agree the fact its over is a relief for sure but I wondered if I was alone in my experience. Learned a hard lesson and doing everything I can to support myself and not get into this type of situation again. I feel really bad for anyone else that has to go through something like this cause its hard to trust people.
  10. yes I did edit that was before any responses at all I edited the header but thanks to yet another person trying to make something from nothing to make it seem as if I am not being honest that is the real problem with people these days.
  11. I wish it was something that minor spent 6 years with someone who wanted to control everything from how I washed a dish to who I used as a doctor to dentist. Never in my life had I known someone that controlling and I raised by women. I am not even sure the word manipulative could even begin to explain her personality. It was so bad I was diagnosed with ptsd after I moved and sought therapy for depression that I had never had prior to living with her.
  12. nope she presented as a woman in sl and turned out to be a evil ***** in rl
  13. I had the worst experience with a rl roomate that I met in sl. Share your Story I would like to know if it's worse than mine.
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