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GamesDeluxe SLSGO

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Posts posted by GamesDeluxe SLSGO

  1. On 11/14/2020 at 12:58 AM, Ardy Lay said:

    This is fun. My quiet home region in the datacenter: Simulation of region <redacted> has been running 32 days 0 hours and 0 minutes.  

    This is not so fun.  I have been watching the % scripts run on regions moved to AWS.  It's hard to really say there is a large difference.  Seems like running idle scripts might be taking the same time as before the move or they might be taking a little more.  I haven't built a test lab.  😉  Also seems that scripts that do a lot get it done a little quicker then return to idle and sandbag the rest of the time.  This makes me sad.  I used to be able to have 8,000 idle scripts hanging around waiting for an event without really hurting the 1,200 or so active scripts in the venue.  For a couple of years or so those numbers are cut in half and moving to AWS hasn't helped.  As a result, I have been buying out other land owners in the region then leaving the land empty.

    You can test it yourself, while you can still find non-AWS regions, and see how they perform comparatively. We're looking at 15%/20% higher Script Times of the default script. 🙃


    This simple test can be quickly performed with Firestorm.

    That comment is from a "duplicate" JIRA, this is the JIRA that Lucia started and stands as the main one. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229611

    I was told that all remaining regions are going to be moved to AWS today (hope not, I still have 1 'good' one), so test fast 😋

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