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Seda Nebula

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Posts posted by Seda Nebula

  1. On 2/11/2024 at 2:47 PM, Aquila Kytori said:

    Hi :)


    Have you tried using the Transfer Mesh Data tool instead of the Data Transfer modifer?

    See this earlier post here :


    Note: If you are selecting the objects in the 3D veiwport its first select the object you want to transfer the UV's to and then Shift select the object with the UV's.

    But if you are selecting the objects in the Outliner its the other way around !  First select the destination object then Shift select the source object.



    Note that for (me) some reason in Blender v 4.01 and 4.02 after selecting the Transfer Mesh Data option the  panel for the transfer options (last operator panel) does not show up in the 3D veiwport as it is supose to. So if you are using one of these versions you will have to hit F9 key (or Edit > Adjust Last Operation...) to get this panel to pop-up.

    The result is far from perfect  but perhaps somewhere to start from:



    You are an absolute angel, thank you so much!! Will try this method for sure. I appreciate it!

  2. Hi there! Newbie when it comes to 3D but I'm making a few addons for an avatar that go on the arms. My goal is to have them take LLUV bom textures. What's the best way to transfer the LL UV onto new mesh? I'm using blender and messing around with the Data Transfer modifier with mixed results.

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