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Posts posted by FairinAvatar

  1. yes the AO would be turned off, its not the animation of "flailing arms and feet" its the actual movement of the character in question, 


    example : in this dance the avatar will swing their arms and take 3 steps foward


    normal avatar : swings arms and takes 3 steps forward moving 3 approximately 3 meters forward from starting positon


    my micro avatar : Swings arms and takes 3 steps in place not moving at all


    i realize this may be a "feature" for micros that like to stand on furniture so their AO doesnt wander them off it, i was just hoping for a "let my avatar dance with normal sized avatars and move with them in sync for "reasons".

  2. so i just joined SL, i've rp'd a micro furry for ages now and my friend bought me one (the SEC mouse) ive noticed that when using a dance gesture, or an AO that she uses, her character will actually move X/Y +/-. but mine (the micro) will not, it just stands there and animates. is there an option i need to check or something?

    i am running firestorm,

    the AO in question is RP-025 Chibi Neko AO (oracul animation) / AX-005 Small Furry AO

    the dances in question are - all that i have tried

    this also seems to interfere with various other things that need to "move" my avatar spent a few hours searching for this problem but i guess i just dont know how to word it correctly if its been solved already.

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