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Posts posted by HeidiOdense

  1. Thanks guys I aprecaite your help,  I just stripped off and went to skinny dip, shouted out a question...is my skin purple ? hahaha, all the answers came back with a no !

    So I'm guessing its a problem with other people not seeing me correctly due to their systems ?  it did happen at social island so maybe some noobs are struggling to see correctly.


  2. Hi everyone, I have had problem for over one week now, people look at my avatar and say I am purple, my skin. To me when I look everything is normal, my skin is light colour.

    I have changed skins many time but still the same, I have cleared all caches and removed everthing from my avatar, have also done character test, still purple.

    I made second account and put both avatars together, to me they both look fine, everything is normal, when I ask people if my second avatar is purple they say no, it is normal, but stil my main avatar is purple.

    I dont understand why the problem is only with Heidi and not my second avatar,even though I have changed everything and removed everything.

    I am using Firestorm viewer but I think it is not a viewer fault as one avatar is normal.

    Please help a poor little purple girl  !!!

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