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Posts posted by 3DMetamorphosis

  1. Thanks all! I'll keep messing with this. I have to try this out and a few other ideas I had. It might be that trying to skip creating LODs is my issue. I can easily do this it's just more work that I didn't want to do lol. Or I'm completely off and has something to do with what you said Qie. My only reasoning for this assumption is when I detach a mesh piece it looks very similar to that or when zooming in an out with my camera you get some very rough jumping LOD's from a distance. I was hoping the generated alogrithm on the uploader would be good enough. However that might be a different problem it's just again it looks similiar that effect when using these scripting functions to hide mesh clothing.

  2. Not sure, it almost looks like a detachment glitch. If I detach an article of clothing on a mesh body you see those ugly jumping effects. Tends to happen at first when you zoom all the way out as well so probably something with LODs now that I think of it. Same with hiding a mesh that stays attached. It's only for a split second but don't understand why the mesh objects seem quite buggy or even unable to zoom properly into mesh objects. 

  3. Hello there!


    I just have a question if anyone who scripts alpha is there a good solution to hiding rigged parts? I've used llSetLinkAlpha and llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast and even though this works I find alpha on rigged parts causes a jumping or flicker when hiding and showing mesh shoes or a shirt etc. I'm not much of a scripter and wonder if anyone has come across this and if there is a better way to script this? It's not a huge issue just a bit annoying.


    Any help would be much appreciated.

  4. Thanks Nalates! I'll keep track of the news here from now on. I can't wait to finally have these bones available to rig faces etc. I use to use the old method that is still used with adding a few more bones and naming them after attachment bones. This will save me a lot of time and frustration! lol

  5. Hello, 

    I've been reading about project Bento and using it here an there on beta grid. However I'm curious when Bento will be released to the main grid? I've been looking for news on it and maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. If anyone could update me on progress I'd really appreciate it. 

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