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Posts posted by yuepao

  1. Hello:

    Today I got a mail that I won a giveaway, so I logged in SL to grab it. But unfortunately I crashed immediately when logged in.

    So I didn't see the cube pops out from the right side upper corner, and didn't have a chance to accept it.

    But I did see the chopped message about inventory offer.. (the line was cut off, imcompleted)

    Is there anyway to get that item back? Except asking the owner to give it to me again.

    (the owner is sort of super busy, and did not want to add the giveaway prize to their redeliver system, I'd hate to bother him after all it's not his fault.)

    thank you for reading.



  2. Hello, I got several (many) questions:

    I have a linden home and I'd like to move to an adult rated land (mainland).
    If I plan not to pay any of the monthly fee, do I need to abandon the linden home first before participate in any auction?
    Or I can wait until I actually got a piece of land then I abandon my linden home?
    When will they start to charge the monthly fee (tier)?

    Is it possible for my friend to manage my land with his group? 
    I plan to set it to the group (owned by him, basic member) instead of deed it to that group. (I'm not sure if it can be done though.)
    I'd like him be able to rez / eject/ add someone to ban list & always allow.

  3. On 7/6/2021 at 12:06 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    We had this problem the last time they were giving away gifts.  The gift giving script appears to be checking your attachments (attachments to your body, not HUD attachments) to get the group that you currently have active.  What were you wearing when you went?   If I went 'invisible' - so only wearing the basic 4 (eyes, hair base, skin, shape) and a full body alpha -- then I could not get the gifts.  It kept saying I need the correct group tag.  If I switched to my normal non-invisible avatar, then I got the gifts just fine.  If I went back to the full alpha and then added an attached item, I was able to get the gifts again.

    Thank you so much!! I made myself invisible to avoid lag, didn't know that would cause this problem. And yes it works out when I wear everything on. Got them all now.

    Also thanks to everybody who replied to this.

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  4. Hello, I went to grab the man cave event group gifts at its event sim, but the gifts kept telling me 'You must be displaying the correct group tag!' But I was wearing the exact group tag. I tried clean my cache and try at different days, but still didn't work. Anyone can help me out with this issue?

    Thank you

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