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Miele Castaignede

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Posts posted by Miele Castaignede

  1. I have periodically read posts from this thread and am amazed at the various ideas people have proposed to get around a gambling ban. It's mostly creators, I believe, (I haven't read that closely) and I certainly understand their desire to keep an income feed moving along.

    But for me, as a person who enjoyed playing gacha, none of those suggestions will make it fun for me. I don't want to stand around waiting for a random item to pop up on a board so I can purchase it. My gacha fun was in the randomness of the prize I got. It was, I'll say it ... in the gambling aspect. When that goes away, I'll just be another marketplace shopper.

    For those creators putting a lot of effort into finding a new way to sell their items, I recommend putting that effort into making some amazing items for me to purchase. 

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  2. So here is the legal definition of gambling:

    Gambling is accepting, recording, or registering bets, or carrying on a policy game or any other lottery, or playing any game of chance, for money or other thing of value. Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 1955, makes it a federal crime or offense for anyone to conduct an 'illegal gambling business. '

    Our personal opinions of the definition or of the law are irrelevant. 

    Linden Labs isn't out to deprive anyone of anything. They're just trying to keep their business going and provide their users with a fun experience. I personally enjoy gachas. But if I have to choose between gachas and being able to log into Second Life, I'm picking SL.

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