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Posts posted by Kasude

  1. I used to play quite often but left because of real life. Now I don't have a life, you know what I mean? xD I want to come back but I'm worse at making friends here than irl. So if you want to, go ahead. About myself; I'm a nerd. I play video games, a lot. I have an xbox 360, and share an xbox one with my boyfriend. I paint, draw, and so on. You could say I'm a hippie, and I'm really friendly once we get talking. Deep conversations and conspiracies are always welcome. I watch anime from time to time. My music likes go from Watsky / Flobots to Dance Gavin Dance / Red Hot Chili Peppers. When I used to be on SL I was in the Sonic community but that's kind of dead for me, but will forever be my childhood.

    I don't bite, not too hard. c: 

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  2. I'm really shy so I'm terrible at making friends but I want ones. Friendly ones who are more into alternative music, dark, ect. Like the stereotypical 'emo' croud. I'm just starting out after not playing for years and I have no friends or anywhere to go but sandboxes. 

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