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Posts posted by DECRainbow

  1. Just a thread to appreciate some of the sims that no longer exist on SL.

    The Twisted Wheel - amazing sim based on a 1960s Manchester (UK) housing estate - contained a replica of the legendary (RL) Northern Soul club Twisted Wheel, but it was the amazing attention to detail of the rentable houses - swirly psychedelic sofas - butcher and scooter shops and grubby pubs that really made this a great place to visit. Was on the Centurion parcel, sadly gone since around 2011.

    Golem Oyland - kind of like a massive outdoor flea market, full of stores, a mini-sandbox, a club, games and some of the fashion shops (Psychotic Neko was here for a long while). Kind of like an infohub for people too nice to frequent infohubs - met loads of people there just from hanging out.

    Tuna Oddfellow's sim - I can't remember the club name at all, but if you wanted your graphics card to melt (in a good way), Tuna's place was a memorable SL party - some recordings of these events are still floating around on YT.


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