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Posts posted by EvieEverly

  1. That happens to me all the time , usually its because my draw distance is set to high or my WIFI is acting up or some mix of the two. Firestorm Just recently released a new viewer , if you chose to update it I would suggest you check the settings to make sure everything is set properly . 

     if none of that helps you can always remove your make up layers and then reapply them ..I put on a lipstick layer once that caused my whole face to go blurry. 

  2. Thanks for your help guys. I did manage to figure out what was wrong. There are textured shadows ontop of the ikon eyes, which normally wouldnt be an issue but i have a very active ao ..i swing my head from side to side alot and lean back quite a bit . Every single time i would do those things The shadows would become very noticable, to the point of making me look like i have no eyes at all. Ikon just wont work with my ao :( I needed to find diffrent eyes...ones without shadows.

  3. if only it were that simple. it is the problem I'm having and that is what i am seeing. However i am using the firestorm viewer so i don't think it has anything to do with the viewer.. Last night i went out and got demo heads from Catwa, Luluteka, and Slink. I tried them on with various sets of eyes and low and behold they all work. Its just the logo Alex head that seems to Have this particular issue.  which is sad because I love the head but the eyes...not so much.


    Thanks for replying Though

  4. Hey guys,

    As the title Kinda Alluded to I am having an issues with my mesh head. If I use anything except the eyes that came with the head which ever eyes I am using tend to roll back into My head and/or completely disappear with even the slightest of head movements. Leaving me looking like Linda Blair when she played that little possessed girl in the exorcist. does anyone know of a way to fix this? I'm at my wits end here.

    so far I've tried

    Adjusting my shape to push the eyes forward

    using the huds to stop my eyes from moving

    Adjusting the eyes themselves (I've moved them closer to the eye opening, tried to make them bigger)





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