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cia Beach

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Posts posted by cia Beach

  1. Two days ago, I crashed during a TP home.  Since then, ALL of my HUDS are broken.  My Maitreya body HUD, my LAQ HUD, my dance HUD.  Nothing I have tried has fixed this.  I have worked with FS chat, and worked through ALL of their suggestions.  I got redeliveries of all the HUDS.  I logged into SL's own viewer - same issue.  This has been two full days, and a night working on this.  NO CHANGE.  I EVEN decided to try a system restore on my brand new PC, what the hell, Ill try it.  But in trying to do a restore, i got an error message, soooo I EVEN did a FACTORY reset on this brand new expensive gamer PC.  NO CHANGE.  I have been asking LL for help for two days now.  I have missing body pieces, and i cant alpha out anything either.  I can ONLY wear the exact outfit I was wearing when I crashed, because I have all the right alphas for that outfit.  I NEED HELP.  I spend an awful lot of Lindens in SL.  Mostly supporting live music.  I spend a lot of lindens for clothes - my second addiction.  I NEED HELP.

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    Does anyone else have this problem?:  I quit the game, and it wont shut down.  I have left it sometimes, to see just how long it takes.  Sometimes it will shut down after a while.  Sometimes not.  I usually have to use task wizard to shut it off.  Why does that happen?  Seems to be something that could be fixed.  Anyone?


  2. Does anyone else have this problem?:  I quit the game, and it wont shut down.  I have left it sometimes, to see just how long it takes.  Sometimes it will shut down after a while.  Sometimes not.  I usually have to use task wizard to shut it off.  Why does that happen?  Seems to be something that could be fixed.  Anyone?


  3. My pet peeve in SL is...I go to many live performances.  I generously support the Artists, the Host/Hostesses, and especially the venues every single time, for every single show.  I get upset when I go to a venue for a live performance, and they land me....NO WHERE NEAR THE VENUE!  I am forced to wander around aimlessly wasting MY time to enjoy the show.  I think they want you to see their sim, and stores, but I am not there to explore or shop.  If I can't find the stage in a few minutes - I LEAVE!  That is NOT fair to the Artist.  UGH!  Even just typing about that, gets my blood boiling.   Sorry...that is what a pet peeve is, isn't it?

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