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Posts posted by Niin30

  1. hello to everyone,

    I have a problem with my land, indeed my house.
    i have an invisible object that occupies me 20 prim.
    I cannot see that thing in my inventrory, i can find it on my area search but i cannot delete that or doing anything at all (i have singularity)
    i need a little help please, i don't care if it were to be deleted, i want my 20 prim back. :matte-motes-sour:
    Se ci fosse qualche italiano all'ascolto di questa mia richiesta, vi sarei infinitamente grata se mi potesse rispondere in italiano :cathappy:
    thankyou for your future answer
  2. i expalin better and i'm sorry for my english in first place.

    I get pregnant with SSN **bleep**'s of my friend, and i deliver in my home in some pillow.

    i follow the instructions step by step and she born, but i never see her

    she take 20 prim from my home, and do stuff like laughing, sleeping, etc

    but she is invisible.

    I try to search in my inventory and she is not in there

    i search with "area search" i found her but i can delate or take to inventory

    so.. there is a wat to take off this "baby" and have 20 prim free again?

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