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Posts posted by DesireeDreams

  1. Yes i was just told, that collision is not possibel for teleporters:(


    I just want people to notice the teleporter then, with either sit, touch, and maybe some sexy swirling particles, like lightning bolts or something like pixie dust:) and easy to to teleport back and forth in the same sim :)


    Ok ty so much for all the responses, Hugs you all:)  and i will move to the wanted section ty




  2. Hello, i was wondering if someone could please help me with a teleporter script that is easy to use, and has collision,

    so when people walk or bump it ,it teleports you to the entered destination .

                                              Any help please and thank you :)

  3. Hello Everyone, i need a script please......... The script i need is a light chaser script, like the kind you see on the  edge of a  tipper and goes round and round ,when placed on a prim or sculpty.I would like to view a menu on touch to set color, speed from really slow to very fast, direction- forward /reverse, and at least 25 colors to choose from - some neon's would be nice.... also the script has to be where it will only affects the prim it is on, even when part of a linked set.....


                                             Thank you so much, please contact me here or in world for your price of the script :)

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