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Posts posted by Curei

  1. Curei and I are very grateful for your answer to my query.  It's too bad there is so little workable content of any major degree that is available for VR.  I understand that a much greater volume of content creation is on it's way, but it will take time.  And, let us hope that SL will catch up.

    -- Jonathan West and Curei

    American Communication Arts

  2. WHAT ABOUT VIRTUAL REALITY?   Some time ago, when the first semi-serious VR headsets were introduced, many on Second Life were expressing enthusiasm for what they thought was the coming of full immersion experiences that would give one the impression of really being there, right in the middle of things.  So many got so excited.  But nothing seemed to come of it.

    My question is a simple one.  What happened?  And, to further complicate my inquiry, why did nothing seem to happen and will it ever happen?

    The best reply will be to JonathanWest2000@Hotmail.com

  3. I have a year old Acer laptop. I am using Windows-7. I'm using the original Linden viewer that I started out with. It has been just fine for me. (Except, of course, for this current problem of mine, which makes nothing just fine for me right now.)


    No changes that I can think of. But, I have gone and made an exception for the SL software, in the MalwareBytes anti-Malware program, the only really aggressive protection that I have at this time.


    I also see how I can delete the SL viewer and then I guess I can put it back on again, if it is somehow still there, where I deleted it. But then, do I loose my big "friends" list and my "groups" list?


    Any help will be greatly appreciated, Karen.

  4. I've been searching and searching for ways I might be able to get my "Destinations," "Search," and opening offerings back again.  I have no idea why they should vanish and just give me blank screens.

    So far, the only advice I have been given is techie advice that leaves me with nothing I really understand at all.  If someone out there can give me a one-at-a-time procedure that I can follow, it will be enormously helpful.

    If it should involve deleting my viewer and loading a same viewer replacement, I will need to one thing to do at a time, and I'll need to know that I won't end up loosing my big "friends" list or my "groups" list or anything else like that.

    I guess I really need a lot, don't I?  Well, I've lost a lot, so I guess that's the way it goes.  It will really be wonderful if I can hear from anyone who really knows and can guide me through it.  Anyone?

    -- Curei  (JeanieWilliams100@Gmail.com)

  5. Thanks for the suggestion, Saul. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to reinstall my regular viewer (which I would like to retain) and I have no idea if that is where the problem originates. I guess my biggest problem is that I can't seem to be able to reach the Linden folks to find out what actually happened.


    Well, at least Linden seems to be consistent with most of the rest of the computer industry. They seem to be terrible communicators.

  6. I have been taking beautiful scenic pictures on Second Life for a national magazine article.  I've also been making friends everywere.  It's a wonderful experience.

    Now, suddenly I am finding that the initial offerings listed when I get on SL, aren't there anymore.  I also find that "Destinations," under "World" is now coming up completely blank.  I also find that the "Search" button comes up blank as well.

    What happened, and can Linden or anyone out there help me out?  Any effective assistance will be really appreciated.  Anyone with solutions can best reach me at:  JeanieWilliams100@Gmail.com

    I look forward to hearing from someone --- anyone.

    -- Curei

    POST SCRIPT:  Guess what, I couldn't get the answer from Linden, nor any sort of step-by-step procedure from anyone else.  But a friend in Finland seemed to know exactly what the problem was and showed me exactly how to delete my viewer, reload another copy of the viewer and GUESS WHAT --- that solved the problem right away.  Why doesn't linden have people like that working for them?  How great that would be, yes?

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