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Posts posted by DinaJ92

  1. Hey

    Please help me! I may have big problem! (Know the questios may seem silly for some, but will ask any way. May stop the worrying feeling/freaking out feeling and don't know about everything in SL....)
    I had tp to Blueberry clohting shop in SL. My bf (who doesn't know much about SL, beacuse he isn't on SL him self) took my mouse and clicked on scam gift card at the store, were fast click yes once. Poped up in local warning about scam card and accept or discard poped up in right corner. Tried stop him right away, when saw he was going for the gift card. When accept or discard showed up, he understood not good to click on. He seemed to think it was best not click on the new box that poped up, but clicked on log out. Shut pc off as soon loged out and came straight to her first search for reminding question/s, when found nothing.
    I choose to write this..... (Know may be that I am not good at searching or no one asked remidning questions...)

    The questions are...
    When one gets box with accept or discard, but choose to log out and not choose one off the 2 options.... will it automatically accept...? Am I trouble? Do I have something to worry about or not? If I am in trouble/if I have something to worry about, what shall I do? How can I fix the error, if so...?

    P.s. Sorry if typos/errors are in what I wrote! Wrote it fast and tried were make easier errors/typos, were didn't check it trough for errors/typos either and also new phone, were the old one didn't remind this one... Have tried stayed errors/typos tough... If having hard time understanding something I wrote, then welcome to ask
  2. Hey.

    I have bbig problem !!!!  :matte-motes-mad: :matte-motes-stress: 

    I know someone has maybe asked the same question as me, but didn't find anything, so I choose to try ask...

    Seems that sl steals almost all or alll the internt in the house, witch is a big problem, beacuse there 3 other people beside me that use often the internet...  :matte-motes-frown:

    The 3 huys tested the net and how much sl used of the net.... :smileyfrustrated: Seems sl steals more of the net, then it used too for some time ago.. The guys that I live together with, ask me to find out a way to handle problem or I can't use SL so much as I do... :matte-motes-sour: Host realy often.love to host.... Hope I can contioue...!!!) :matte-motes-dont-cry: :matte-motes-stress:

    Can I make some settings on the pc or in the program that can help or maybe download something, buy something or something else, to try fix this problem...???  :matte-motes-not-entertained:

     If you know something that may help, I would appriciate it REALY much if you can tell me!!!!! ❤️  :heart:

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