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Ayden Alchemi

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Posts posted by Ayden Alchemi

  1. the furniture is not my creation, and its multiple creators / all furniture.

    No one else is having issues, I have had many friends sit on the same stuff and nothing, it works just fine with them

    for some reason its something with my viewer / viewers, or computer or something is broke or turned off somewhere.

    -.- I've gotten so annoyed with it, i literally picked up all furniture in my house.


  2. So I have problems with my avatar animating. Three different examples would be:

    When sitting on furniture that isn't mine:
    I either don't animate, and if I do animate it's just the first pose that does it. If I try to change animations It does not change. Then if I stand up and try to sit back on the furniture it DOES NOT animate me.

    My friends also reported that they got script errors talking about permissions not being set or something along those lines, If i can get a friend to pass me the exact script error i will update the post

    When sitting on furniture that is mine:
    It either works just fine, or it does the above and I do not animate at all, and if I do its just the first animation.


    What I have done to try to rectify the issue:

    • Different viewers (firestorm, singularity, etc) (clean install for all of them)
    • Cleared Cache
    • Windows 10 Repair on FS
    • 'stop animating my avatar and revoke permissions'
    • looked through debug settings
    • looked through preference
    • character test



    I don't know what to do and it;'s really getting to me, because I mean MOST stuff in sl pertains to animations / animating your avatar. Please help ♥

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