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CreepyPastel Cloud

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Posts posted by CreepyPastel Cloud

  1. Now hiring Staff for Date Auctions - Story times - Demos - Discussion and more. Looking for experanced lifestylers who are well versed in topics relating to BDSM . If any of this intrestes you feel free to come check us out!

    WEB >>   https://silverhavensl.com or visit us at
    LM  >>   http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moonlight Ridge/109/20/63 
    APPLICATION >>   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17xDxGoT3m7a5L1ZwSNE3pLzWYJ0zzBc-ZlZGoeWyFeI/viewform?ts=6403edfe&edit_requested=true

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  2. Hello, Is anyone else having a issue importing there mesh after the update? I have been doing this for a while now but have never run into this issue before. When I go to import it says my mesh no matter how simple, is going to be thousands of prims and lindens. I tried uninstalling and re installing a older viewer and that worked for a little while it was allowing me to upload normally but today it has just been crashing when i try uploading anything. I have tried mutiple accounts, items, viewers..ect it seems to be the same acrossed the board. 

  3. my friend and i have a joined land and when we were moveing she sent all my items back to me i got a message saying all the items were returned to there floders but none of them were and i cant seem to find any of my pets or rare objects that were in the house please help V.V i have tried searching by there names looking in there folders looking in recents in objects but nothing :(

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