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Posts posted by IralmaC

  1. Ya no se ecuentran con tanta frecuencias SIM con mucha gente que hable español, conozco unos pocos que a veces estan asi, y todos salen en el buscador dentro del mundo, solo escribe latino o latinos en el buscador y ordena la lista por densidad de visita, quiza en el momento no haya muchos, pero visitalo en diversos horarios hasta que confirmes cual es el horario más concurrido.


    Espero te sirva de algo ♥

  2. I need a graphic designer for the logo or logo of my family in SL. It is very simple because we have a temporary one made by me (that of design I do not know anything, xD) only that it lacked many details that only someone with real knowledge can do.

    For more probability you can search me in the world as iralmac resident, I will explain the details of what I need, if possible a guarantee of your work would be of great help to know if I can get what I need from you.

    Thanks in advance to those interested in my post.

  3. The point is that I have built a house, as you know the doors or other objects with script of movement can not be linked or it would be crazy.

    I know how to put the house with all its parts, without binding it, in a box. What I do not know and would like to learn is how to make those boxes with which you can rezzear the house and move the house, with all its additional parts, using the box. I seem to be told a boxed.

    I hope I have made myself understood. Sorry for my bad English. In advance, thank you for the help you can give me.

  4. Greetings.

    I have a sim, not a region, just a sim. I need to block access to avatars with less than 30 days in secon life, so: Does anyone know how to do this?

    How can I prevent access to avatars with less than x amount of days, maximum 30 .... There is some script, security orb.

    I hope you can help me and in advance, thanks for your answers.

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