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Journey Bunny

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Posts posted by Journey Bunny

  1. 19 minutes ago, Buttacwup Float said:

    I am not sure who this is for exactly and how it brings any significant value over simply having more than one premium

    The who is creators, the value is "infinity or zero."

    Everyone on here seems to be doing the money maths about land, which has me head-scratching. Think about the discount you get from the regular Premium plan:

    Basic account: 7 USD, you get a 1024
    Premium account: 8.25 USD, you get a 1024

    No discount, no value. The added value of the Premium plan is not a discount tier. It's that it gives you a set of software features that you simply can't have with a basic account. Is it worth the extra 1.25/month for 28 extra groups? Certainly doesn't cost LL that. The offer isn't a "deal" on anything the lower account type has--it's additional features that the lower account hasn't got.

    Then, consider whether Premium Plus is doing anything so different:

    Basic Account: 13 USD, 2048 land tier
    Premium+ Account: 20.75 USD, 2048 land tier

    No discount, no value. Same arrangement--they give you the highest amount of land tier that fits within what you've paid. And then double your groups, increase your message cap, etc...and then free textures, sounds, animations with more to come (yes, they said mesh is coming). Again, it's the "stuff from lower tiers that you've more-than-paid-for," plus features you don't get at those tiers.

    Premium isn't going away. And I think many people should stay with it, myself included. But I think a lot of people are disappointed that P+ isn't some sort of "Premium, but a cheaper deal in the long run" and is, instead, another set of costlier feature offerings at a higher price, and I don't know why we would suspect that LL would grant us all double land while cutting their bottom line on tier fees in some way.

    Creators, though? Fixed business cost. That's a huge value offer to a certain set of the SL population.

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  2. 32 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    Only a fool would buy something on the basis of a promise of getting something else further down the line.  There is absolutely no reason why the whole deal cannot be available at launch and there is no onus on them to deliver anything further without a price increase later.


    43 minutes ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

    Was something that was not confirmed - so this means that they may not come at all.

    From the session:

    "That is coming soon, that is one of the features we couldn't squeeze in in time for this release but we are working on actively in the background right now and it will get out."

    As unconfirmed as the rest of the yet-unreleased features, I suppose, but it sounds less shaky than we seem eager to pile on about. Do *not* obviously pay for P+ on the sole basis of free mesh uploads before they are added. But it's rather negative to toss it off the discussion as irrelevant to the value when it's directly been stated as actively in development for the soon-to-be account level.

    Also, free animations, free sounds not mentioned (in addition to free textures). 

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  3. Two things to toss into the mix:

    1) Free mesh uploads and something between discounted and free name changes are on the horizon with Premium Plus. These are not going to be available at launch, and so they are not immediate benefits to reap, but might affect people's future consideration of value.

    2) The reasoning of "for benefits I won't even use" doesn't quite specifically make the Premium Plus plan overpriced. Like purchasing a computer bundle with a "VR headset I won't even use"; if you aren't planning to use it, then purchasing it was a waste of $ irrespective of the value of the item. Even the Premium plan is also a waste of money if you're in it exclusively for the 1024 land tier, but if you want several of the things it offers, the value emerges. Similarly P+ looks like a general linear increase in the P benefits with additional potentially huge value in *other* areas which certainly will appeal to a different set--but only for people who would use that value.

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  4. Just tossing in the observation, opinion-free, that in many states "next-play" machines (machines that show the next result before you play) are also considered gambling devices, on the logic that one must play in order to discover the next random chance, essentially just moving the random prize aspect one purchase further down the line.

    I wanted to mention it, since I've already seen many posts suggesting "if we tell people the next random result maybe that is fine" and there's already some legal precedent about that too.

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