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TB Monentes

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Posts posted by TB Monentes

  1. Hi

    I need to know where to go with this, because I've never had an issue I couldn't solve in world.

    I joined a group where I needed to deed my tv for it to work on the land I'm renting, and now I cannot get it back. I am told this is a "bug" in the system, and if I have my group tag on, I should be able to take it, but nothing. The group ower has the group to where SHE had to deed my tv for me (and I know that's BS, because I've never seen a group owner have to do that, and I've ALWAYS been able to take my deeded things back). 

    I can't ask the group owner, because she is not around. Like, ever. Can I get LL to go over her to get my tv back to me? That's all I want at this point.

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