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Everything posted by L0leta

  1. Thank you Phorumities for clearing that up for me i guess different sayings or terms mean different things depending on what country you come from ^^
  2. Phil Deakins one i am not a **OP ** I Work RL for a living .. again a simple question i got a busy Lifestyle reason i cannot watch this thread daily as appears unlike yourself ^^ lol .. just one thing this person seems to take big thrill in watching me was only reason i asked ..
  3. Thank you Lancewae i appreciate you input is creepy ^^ when someone in SL is noting when i was logging in and out every day all day .. some people truly do need get a Life a proper one. Thank you all to everyone for giving me good advise regarding this new privacy laws just recently brought in.
  4. Validate what claim Bigmoe putting words in my mouth is not a good thing to do .. i was asking simple question i guess u either have one or you make them huh ?
  5. Took it out of context i afraid Rhonda ... Question was as above points to heading ...Is the New Data Protection Laws concerning The Avatar on Line Hud Breaking the New Rules ? Simple valid reason i am asking.
  6. Was a question i asked Chic not to be told to move away from pc *coughs *
  7. I would like to know is the Avatar on line hud breaking the New EU Data Protection Rules. Because if someone is scanning me daily and collecting data on me then i feel it is invading my privacy.
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