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Everything posted by ClipsyPillows

  1. no, it says "Logging in..." and that is all. It takes about five minutes to tell me that it failed, and then I try again. It's been working just fine since that night.
  2. I kept trying to log in and it eventually let me in. I'd still like to know what caused this so I may treat it in the future.
  3. I've tried google, I've checked the server status, I've searched the answer page and the forums, I've reinstalled, I've let firestorm through my firewall, I've shut off my firewall, I've reset my router, I've rebooted my computer, and I've tried going to different locations and I still can't log in. I joined last night. Second Life was working fine all day today. When I went to work I shut my computer down. When I got home, now I can't get passed the logging in screen. I've tried both second life viewer and the firestorm viewer with no results. I even tried using a friend's login information and it worked juuuuuuust fine, so this problem seems to be unique to my account. It spents five minutes spinning before telling me there was some problem "despite our best efforts." I was really excited about creating stuff for SL. Why can't I use it now?
  4. oh yay~ I did spent a few dollars to get linden, and now it lets me see the fee. Kind of weird, but at least now I understand. Thank you! <3
  5. i tried uploading a simple cube to see how the process works. The fee says "tbd." When I click calculate weights and fee it tells me I don't have enough linden. I have 0 right now. I just want to see the fee. Why can't I see that first?
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