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Posts posted by goodlighttreeheart

  1. Hullo again <3

    Thought id try make a egg sorter for some of my breedables, but ive hit a snag.

    I've been though loads of the wikis trying to find out if its possible for a script to take a rezzed obect into its inventory but i cant find anything? is there some obscure trick to it or is it just not possible?

    Ty <3

  2. Hello.
    Purely by accident i noticed that taking an object to your inventory doesnt alter its state, can this be used to keep variables across rezzes?

    For clarity, i'm trying to find a way to store user specific offsetts for seating animations on furniture, so that when a user has already programmed their seating adjustments if i pick up the object and replace it the data is not lost.


    Thanks <3

  3. Yes, i know this. Thanks. what i am trying to do is find a way to pass texture uuids to another object via its inventory but without using the texture. i thought about using notecards where the notecard's name wasthe texture uuid, but i thought that would be a little risky having the uuid readable to an end user. i could put the uuid in the notecard, but im hoping to avoid reading notecards because its slows everything down.

    So Is it possible to read the texture uuid from a body part or clothing item held in a prims inventory by a script in the prim?

  4. Hello <3

    I'm trying out a few notions to help safeguard my textures in objects. One thought I had was to store them not as texture files in an objects contents, but hopefully as body parts or clothing that i can just grab the UUID from.

    Is this even possible? as far as my noob eyes can see, you only seem able to pull item paramaters from the current prim that a given script is running in

    Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope

  5. Hi <3
    Sorry again if this is a noobish question, but is it possible when you catch a detach event to cancel detaching a prim in script? or if not to cancel the detach, but hide the item neatly in another items inventory instead of the players.

    Thanks <3

  6. Hello!!

    I'm relatively new round here and i'm just finding my feet with building etc, and this may be a dumb question so apologies lol.

    I'm trying to make a set of prim eyes, and one of the problems im having is their glitchy appearance at greater distances as the existng classic model eye whites start poking through the prim. Is there a way for me to alpha the eye whites on a classic head model?

    Thanks in advance

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