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  1. Wind-whonow? Ah I guess I havent installed that stuff yet..? I'll give it a shot, although I have a feeling its not just a shadow. It seems like its a couple of edges of the nose mesh..wiring...thing.. on each side of the nose that dont want to collapse any further if I set my nose to be as small as possible (because thats the only way it looks somewhat realistic.) But then again I'm new and I have no idea what I'm talking about so theres a metric crap ton of guessing going on for me. Ha..haha..
  2. Uhh whellp! From what I remember this morning I was flicking the alpha for tattoos on and off in the utilities hud and it wasnt fixing or changing anything. But it seems a simple relog fixed the issue. Although now I have a different issue that isnt exactly related to slink or tattoos.. Its my face. More specifically, I have these odd ridges on each side of my nose.  -Aw look at the shine in his eyes, I think he's tearing up. :c I've tried clearing my cache and whatnot and nothings changed. In fact it seems that indeed, the only way to fix it is to have a shnoz that could joust at a renaissance festival.  -En garde! Buh-..But I dont wanna look like thaaat~. Halp?
  3. So I've been following everything I need to do to get slink working and everythings working just fine. Juuuuuust the tattoo appliers for anything that isnt hands or feet are showing up like thus:  Very very dark. Pitch black with a bit of pixelation. Goes without saying its probably not supposed to look like that; 'specially if I'm using the "faded" option. Its having this effect on ANY tattoo I use. I have multiples. My question is: wat do? And always thanks for any help that is offered. c:
  4. Thaaaank youuu~ That fixed my issue. c:
  5. Alright! So. The simplest way I can explain this is that when I go to put on an upper piece of clothing (like for my torso) the lower piece of clothing disappears(like pants); as in for whatever reason I cant wear a shirt and pants at the same time, even if both pieces are made by the same store. Alphas stay in place for both either way, its just the clothing themselves that seem to poof. I'm pretty new to all of this so it could be pretty likely that I'm making simple dumb mistakes. Just looking for a bit of help.
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