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Everything posted by TaliaCouture

  1. Hi, I just wanted to thank you I was having the same issue I used to be in sl a while ago and decided to come back, as I wanted a fresh start I came back 'as a noob' I had no idea about the new 'mesh' option and accidently chose the new version instead of the classic that I was used to.... anyway, long story short I found your answer after googling... and you have helped me a lot thank you!!!! LoriLexa wrote: Ilamoon wrote: Hello, I just joined SL and it's very confusing. Where can I find very basic instructions? I am finding a lot of blogs and sites about creating content but I need to know how to change cloths. So, 1. How do I reset my avatar? I have tried this several times but keep getting what I last had. I can't seem to delete everything and start over 2. Currently my Avatar has two bodies overlapping. I can see two hair and patchwor of two skins. ??? How do I delete one of them? I think if I can get to just one things will be OK Thank you, Moon Hi Moon, welcome to SL For starters, to remove that new mesh avatar and start fresh, look on the top of your screen, left side. Click on Me>Choose an Avatar>click on the Classic tab and select one of those avatars. Select one that you did not use yet. Now, at this point you can start shopping around for shapes, skin, hair, clothes etc… that are better than the default classic avatar and items supplied by LL. You can’t do much with that mesh avatar you started with, so just don’t bother with them. Some hints about wearing clothes (stick with the classic style avatar shapes- If you buy a shape make sure it's modifiable): When wearing any mesh clothes, objects, alphas, tattoo layers, etc…Always choose to ADD. The only time you choose WEAR is for shapes, skin, and eyes or see below. To remove something (let’s say you accidently have on 2 different pair of shoes), Right click on it and detach/remove. If that does not work, go into the inventory and open the CURRENT OUTFIT folder, right click and choose remove/detach. * you can’t remove/detach eyes, shape and skin. You can only replace by choosing wear. Now...you can choose WEAR for everything but in certain cases it will replace one thing for another, if it is attached to the same area or if it is a layer such as an alpha. If you want to wear multiple things, always choose ADD. For example: You are wearing a shoe Alpha and you also want to wear an Alpha for a mesh dress, you must ADD the alphas. If you don’t, then one Alpha will replace the other which will prevent you from wearing both. Another example: You have 4 different rings and a set of nails. You want to wear all of them at the same time, You would then choose ADD for all of those items. Mainly because they all attach to the same default body part which is either right or left hand. If you choose WEAR, it will only let you attach one item on each hand at a given time. So to prevent that, just choose ADD. Another example: You have hair that attaches to your skull and you have a Hat that also attaches to your skull. You choose ADD so they both attach at the same time. NEVER choose attach and then a body part, this will mess up the placement of objects that are meant to be worn on your avatar. You will end up with shoes that float in the air and not on the part of your body that they belong. So, avoid using the "ATTACH to body part option". Basically: ADD: hair, hats, jewelry, alphas, tattoo layers (tattoos, makeup, other stuff), prim attachments such as cuffs or collars, mesh clothes, hair, nails, collars, etc… WEAR: Shoes, system layer clothes, eyes, skin, & shapes There are 2 types of clothes: 1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these. 2. Mesh clothes (usually come with an alpha and 5 different sizes-pick and ADD one of the sizes and ADD the alpha) Eventually you will get the hang of it and then you will be doing more stuff such as editing your shape, editing objects, etc… Good luck and have fun
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