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Posts posted by llsaherll

  1. @ Alwin Thank you for showing interest in my case. I can assure you my linden dollars are not fraudulent. I used my lindens to enjoy second life and to help those in need. I never sold lindens or transferred lindens to real life. I contacted Linden Lab several times by phone and through ticket support and there was absolutely zero support and no explanation. Just banned without any explanation. This is very nauseating and overwhelming to accept. Something does not seem right. This is not the american way of doing things. I do not think it is right to ban me for no reason and take my money too. Feeling scared and helpless. :(

  2. Roche I just want to say thank you for the supportive comments and interest in my case. I appreciate you.

    I filed tickets that just keep coming back as closed without a response as to what I did wrong. I tried to appeal again no response or reason just that my account is permanently closed. I did not sell lindens. I lent out lindens. I never sold and never took money out of second life. I made money in sl and planned to spend it all in sl. I created custom work for people in sl... and I usually did it as a gift if they were close friends. I made a lot of gifts for people in sl designing sims and venues for events and in exchange for my work people gave me gifts. I accumulated a lot of money for all the good deeds I did. Regardless of the numerous tickets I sent I still received no reason or explanation or any attempt from Linden Lab to support me in resolving the issue. Just a permanent ban. I came back into sl by creating alts to investigate what is happening... I did not come back to enjoy.... I could not possibly enjoy being there with an alt after being banned permanently from my main acct. Feeling helpless made me feel nauseated and victimized... I am not sure what to do at this point. I contacted the FBI for help and the attorney general. I believe it will be a long process but I hope it is resolved soon and that I can come back to sl.

  3. I need to appeal the closure of my account. I have done nothing in second life to violate terms of service. I am a disabled american teacher. I have been victimized many times in real life crimes in rl and found safety in sl. I mind my business and I have been harassed for years in sl and rl and have repeatedly reported this and nothing has been done. I have notecards in my inventory people passing out my rl pic.  I ignored it because I felt helpless. I have saved these notecards in my inventory for some of these people.

     I have many people who owe me money in sl... I have about 4 million on my account and lent out over 5 million and have millions invested into my inventory as a builder in sl.  Some of these people have owed me money for many years and seem to not want to pay back. I have reported people impersonating me and begging for loans pretending to be me after reporting it  and nothing was done despite my efforts to report it.  These people are still in sl.  People were attacking my sim and causing graphics crashes for people in my sim and I have been subject to all sorts of harassment just for being different.  My rl pic was passed around sl and I was the target of ridicule and harrassment in groups for being different (religiously). After a while i just ignored it because I felt helpless.  Nobody cared what was going on.  

    I always tell people be careful, and be nice to everyone, never trust anyone with your password, do not violate terms of service, I always told people if u need help ask me. I am not perfect and have made mistakes along the way in sl as I too learn things everyday. SL provides wonderful platform for opportunity in so many ways, I benefitted from my time in sl and I miss my being there. I learned a new language and learned to build.  I created bonds with people including some who are terminally ill.  Now I am completely cut off from these relationships and all my friends.   This ban on my account has hurt me so much. I can't possibly imagine what I did wrong to deserve being banned.  The only I could be guilty of was being online everyday.  Maybe that is a violation???  I really do not know what I did?  If I did anything wrong I am sorry for what I did. I just wish I knew what I did and had the opportunity to fix it. I am willing to pay whatever fine or punishment for any wrong doing. Please just tell me what I did and allow me the opportunity to apologize for it or pay whatever the cost of the damages are that you see fit. I am not a bad person. I am really a great person please just give me the opportunity to come back. I promise not to let you down.  Can someone help me...Every time I appeal it just comes back case closed.... As if they do not care to read my appeal just like the abuse reports I made in world and nothing was done.  Why is this happening?   How can this happen?  I am in disbelief!  PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP ME!!!  I really feel helpless.  Not having the ability to communicate directly with a human being in linden lab makes me feel like my case is worthless and helpless.  

  4. I need to appeal the closure of my account. I have done nothing in second life to violate terms of service. I am a disabled american teacher. I have been victimized many times in real life crimes in rl and found safety in sl. I mind my business and I have been harassed for years in sl and rl and have repeatedly reported this and nothing has been done. I have notecards in my inventory people passing out my rl pic.  I ignored it because I felt helpless. I have saved these notecards in my inventory for some of these people.

     I have many people who owe me money that I forgot about. These people have owed me money for many years and seem to not want to pay back. I have reported people impersonating me and nothing was done.  People were attacking my sim and causing graphics crashes for people in my sim and I have been subject to all sorts of harassment just for being different.. I always tell people be careful, and be nice to everyone, never trust anyone with your password, do not violate terms of service, I always told people if u need help ask me. I am not perfect and have made mistakes along the way in sl as I too learn things everyday. SL provides wonderful platform for opportunity in so many ways, I benefitted from my time in sl and I miss my being there. This ban on my account has hurt me so much. If I did anything wrong I am sorry for what I did. I just wish I knew what I did and had the opportunity to fix it. I am willing to pay whatever fine or punishment for any wrong doing. Please just tell me what I did and allow me the opportunity to apologize for it or pay whatever the cost of the damages are that you see fit. I am not a bad person. I am really a great person please just give me the opportunity to come back. I promise not to let you down.  Can someone help me...Every time I appeal it just comes back case closed.... As if they do not care to read my appeal just like the abuse reports I made in world and nothing was done.  Why is this happening?   How can this happen?  I am in disbelief!  PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP ME!!!  I really feel helpless.  Not having the ability to communicate directly with a human being in linden lab makes me feel like my case is worthless and helpless.  

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