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Posts posted by MizKT

  1. Hi whenever I go to a sandbox that allows permission to edit the terrain, when I begin to edit I get a system message every time I mouse click telling me I'm not allowed to edit terrain even though I am and I can see that I'm allowed because I'm actively manipulating the terrain lowering and raising it and so forth. Does anyone know why this problem occurs? 

    This happens whether or not I'm a member of the group the land is owned by and in either case I'm able to edit the terrain regardless of group membership. I've also reproduced the problem at the terrain sandbox at builder's brewery. 


  2. Thanks for that, that's exactly the type of answer I was looking for, it seems there's a lot more to do and no idea how to do it. 

    I have, in no particular order: 1) outfit AO bake 2) outfit shadow bake 3) outfit texture 4) outfit UVmap

    And then I have the same again for additional patches of this piece of clothing.

    Any helpful tips on how to begin would be greatly appreciated. I guess what I'm asking is can anyone recommend a good beginner's guide to texturing in second life? 




  3. Okay so I'm trying to get a bit more creative about second life, so I decided to start simple and learn about texturing and do some experiments.
    I created my own texture 512x512 in gimp and applied it to a prim.



    So far so good, as you can see it's intended to be a leather texture. When I apply this texture to an item of clothing however all definition is lost.
    What am I doing wrong? How do I make the pattern on the item of clothing more clearly defined like it is on the prim? 





  4. This issue is causing a lot of anonyance, I'm not talking about hover hints these I know how to disable, I'm talking about the hints that appear every time you hover over a button or the camera controls in the Firestorm viewer, does anyone know how to disable these 'explanation hints'? Thanks in advance for any assistance. 

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