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Everything posted by MiMiKawaii

  1. If only i knew how to put it together. :_: Scripting is like a strange language to me lol
  2. Okay, so i am a 3d Designer and Graphic Artist and i am wanting to a project, the thing is i know NOTHING about Scripting, or better yet- even where to start! I am new to second life, so unfortunatly i can't pay Thousands of Linden to a Scripter- So i have been trying to learn it myself, and i have no idea where to even start. If somebody could walk me through, maybe even help me design it/ do it for me because they are awesome! I would be greatful! I have been trying to teach myself for the past week, and it's doing nothing but giving me a headache, the only thing i really know how to do is make a box talk ): My Ideas/and/ scripts i need D: : =============================== -OBJECT A is rezzed on the ground, After a certain time period (5-8 Days) I want it to be able to drop another item, that the owner then has to click and then pick it up into there invo, before a certain timer (24 hours) - Or maybe just pick it up within 24 hours, if they don't the Item will disapere. -I don't know how to explain it, i will try my best- Say you have an Egg , The Egg has 5 random items in it. Once the Egg is clicked it will give you 1 of the 5 items at random, and then destroy itself. I==================== If somebody could help me with these scripts, i would be greatful! Or if anybody knows where to find them, i would be even more greatful- I am ready to pull out my hair ):
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