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Posts posted by FantyRample

  1. Hello all....

    I've never really had a need to consult these forums much, but I find myself in a bit of a bind.  I use this account for gacha resale on the Marketplace, and have listed on there an item that I had a *horrible* time trying to pull out of the machine.  

    So, it's expensive.  I'll freely admit that.  But it's only about three hundred linden profit given the amount I poured in.

    Anyway... as of yesterday, I was the only person selling it on the Marketplace.  There has been nothing but positive response to the item (blog after blog have featured it), but today, I get this message from a buyer:

    Saved Sat Oct 31 00:35:44 2015)yesterday I bought the head  
    the head does not match the description and pictures, I want my money back or replace the head or I'll go to Linden lab and you are banned!!!!
    [03:51] Po****6: (Saved Sat Oct 31 00:52:28 2015)if by Monday we do not decide this question, he will go to Linden lab

    (With avatar names blotted out to protect the... er... aggressive.)

    I've contacted them, telling them if they are willing to return the item **IN FULL** (as in, it's all there since there are a lot of bits and bobs), I will be willing to discuss return.  If they don't go for this... is there any truth in their threat?  I know they can flag an item for misrepresentation, but... the rest of it?  

    If they would have contacted me civilly, I would have been more than happy to do a quick switch-back, but threats?  <twitch>

    Any help at all would be appreciated.





  2. I just got a swathe of 'Your Item has been flagged and removed' emails concerning a set of items that were -- apparently -- flagged for 'Adult Profanity.'  They're... well... trousers.  Normal, old leather trousers.  There is no profanity in the title, and yes, I use 'badass' as a search term, but they're already flagged 'Mature'... I can't imagine 'badass' qualifies as Adult Profanity (*dun dun duuuun*).

    This isn't the first time I've had items sort of surreally flagged, and honestly, I'd like to know if someone in the MP is just messing with me at this point.  Is there someone in LL I can e-mail about this who could, perhaps, clarify why these items were flagged?  Because I'm not seeing any sort of contact/complaint even though I'm fairly certain I've seen it somewhere in the past.

    Any help at all appreciated! 



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